Podcast: Entreprogrammers Podcast
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Recent Episodes
Episode 423 "Key Difference"
We're Live. Many of the paths that any entrepreneur takes can lead to specific situations, for example using only ads to promote, or using focus blocks to improve productivity, will represent the key difference to obtaining the best possible results. ...
Episode 423 "Key Difference"
We're Live. Many of the paths that any entrepreneur takes can lead to specific situations, for example using only ads to promote, or using focus blocks to improve productivity, will represent the key difference to obtaining the best possible results. ...
Episode 422 "Adding Value"
We're Live. Growth in this area is the most anticipated thing that any entrepreneur needs to achieve, this also means more people and more responsibilities which will bring more value to your company. Josh brings this topic up because it can be a quite di...
Episode 421 "Business Partner"
We're Live. In the entrepreneur world having a business partner is a common occurrence, it can be a great asset in order to get the best possible scenario that will bring the best profit. That´s the area that can get tricky. Talking about money will alw...
Episode 420 "Creating Good Content"
We're Live. Content creation is one of the most creative things that anyone can do, but it can be difficult depending on the area or niche that you are working on. There are a lot of key components to bare in mind to get the best content, and analyzing yo...
Episode 419 "Bottom Up Approach"
We're Live. Looking at your work from a specific view sometimes can be frustrating, a change of perspective is due when this is happening. You start to get the feeling that you’re not advancing and everything that you do is simply not working. John rais...
Episode 418 "Rushed Out The Door"
We're Live. Getting your goals clear in mind is one of the most important things in any entrepreneurship, but sometimes during this journey your goals will derive from your original intentions and become something entirely different. This is where you...
Episode 417 "Win or Lose"
We’re Live. Under the decision-making process, there’s something that you'll always have to bare in mind, you can lose. It doesn't matter if all the chances and probabilities show that you will be successful in your entrepreneurship, there's always the po...
Episode 416 "Starting New Year"
We’re Live. John and Mani get back together after a long overdue break in December. 2022 was a year of big changes for both of them, getting stuff out that was not working and all the new and ongoing work that promise to bring great success in 2023. Gre...
Episode 415 "AI Implications"
We’re Live. Artificial Intelligence has been a sci-fi dream since the ’70s but nowadays is a complete reality, from apps that draw or Ai design to make contracts, there are no limits to the use of these new forms of creations. The guys have an interesti...
Episode 414 "Everything is Negotiable"
We’re Live. Difficult clients always appear when you’re doing entrepreneurship, there can be ones that have zero collab intentions or try to slip dirty things in the contract that can make you lose money, the matter is, it can be resolved. Knowledge is...
Episode 413 "Adapt and Overcome"
We’re Live. The final days of the year are coming and the guys are checking everything out on their content. Adapting to the situation has been the constant in these passing years many ups and downs but the answer is always the same, adapt and overcome. G...
Episode 412 "Extending The Reach"
We’re Live. Social media games will always be evolving, and adapting to the current situation is a must if you want your goals to be met. Recently there’s a new marketing strategy that has proven to be quite effective, but the numbers need a different app...
Episode 411 "Significant Losses"
Significant Losses We’re Live. Entrepreneurship will always have risks involved, and this makes things clear, sometimes you will lose money and sometimes it will be a lot. This is part of the process and having the right tools and taking the correct actio...
Episode 410 " Occam's Razor"
We’re Live. Decision-making is a process that any entrepreneur needs to have in their arsenal some situations present a lot of alternatives that can work but some of it could be easier than others. That´s where Occam’s Razor comes in. The principle gives...
Episode 409 "Ups and Downs"
We’re Live. Main social media platforms are the best option to promote your entrepreneurship these days. Doing it organically will set you on the right path, but using ads is the next step in this journey. The problem with this is that the platforms are...
Episode 408 "Behaviors in Success"
We’re Live. There’s a specific scenario where your goals are met, success is finally here and what most people do is start relaxing during this process, which is a big mistake. Josh asks John for tips and standard processes during this time, it is alway...
Episode 407 " Different Kinds of Problems"
We’re Live. The topic for this week fluctuates through the many types of issues that the guys go through in their entrep[neurship, regarding that most of the issues, can be common but not all of them affect them the same way. There’s an interesting deba...
Episode 406 "Seize Momentum"
We’re Live. Josh asks the guys for advice on when to apply certain kinds of ads or what social media platform to use to promote your business, there’s no actual right answer for this. John and Mani share different perspectives on how the main focus in t...
Episode 405 "Aggressive Approach"
We’re Live. Dealing with clients will always be a hassle, Josh comes up to the plate with a situation concerning some types of clients that are not complying or not completing the process. An Aggressive approach is the focus here, the guys have an inter...
Episode 404 "Touching Base"
We’re Live. Mani is back to the usual roundabouts and gets started checking everything is running smoothly. John is currently on the same page getting some numbers on tracks and making sure where the traffic is coming from. One of the main types of traf...
Episode 403 "Unique Style"
We’re Live. Guys start a very interesting debate on how to make youtube channels work. This si something that can be confusing sometimes, one of the first topics is content and as it turns out it is not the main factor. Competition in the platform is ov...
Episode 402 "Perspective of Reality"
We’re Live. Josh proposes a very interesting topic regarding masculinity and being a man and how to approach life in all general aspects to become a better person and apply this to all your goals and purposes. John tells it straight, it s about being re...
Episode 401 "Strategic Thinking"
We’re Live. Under any kind of entrepreneurship, the constant that will always come up is decision making, whether is hiring new staff or even letting go of them, where to invest, what to invest, etc. Strategic Thinking is a must in this field. Great dis...
Episode 400 "Creating Superior Content"
We’re Live. First of all, there’s so,e big news regarding Entreprogrammers, it's currently a rebranding! So stay tuned to see a new face! The Content that social media has at the moment is extremely variant and different, to say the least. Publishing supe...
Episode 399 "Sharing Strategies"
We’re Live. One of the main focuses of this podcast is to share current strategies that are being applied to get feedback and get the best possible outcome. John leads the way on main strategies based on Social media, ads, etc. Thought of the week John -...
Episode 398 "Marketing Equity"
We’re Live. The guys start with a roundtable of ongoing projects that each has and is it going and giving each other great feedback to improve the whole process. One thing that came in common is Marketing Equity, there are just so many projects going on t...
Episode 397 "The Real Struggle"
We’re live. One of the many problems that clients encounter is that they don't really understand how the process of any endeavor works or even worse than that, they can't trust the process. This seems to be a recurring problem with some of John's Clients,...
Episode 396 "Analyzing the Wreckage"
We’re Live. Mani some stuff that did not work out as planned, but he’s not quite sure what exactly failed in the process. He and John start analyzing the whole scenario to find out and improve upon it. It is quite normal that this kind of problem arises...
Episode 395 "Setting The Right Filter"
We’re live. John and Mani get the conversation going with how the process of admittance in their programs should be, getting the right client is the core foundation that the program needs to work. There are definitely many ways to filter clients or even g...
Episode 394 "The Hot Seat"
We’re Live. Today the guys are starting off with a new segment called the hot seat, where each of them gets a specific amount of time to show any kind of issue on his entrepreneurship and get the feedback needed to get the best possible solution. Definite...
Episode 393 "Pain Points"
We’re Live. Once again the boys are trying new blood for the team, and it has started an amazing debate of what the pain points are for each of the clients and what actually are the ones that work as selling points. The perfect example of this was Mani’s...
Episode 392 "Different Utilities"
We’re LIve. Getting a new partner in the entreprogrammers podcast has been a long endeavor and has definitely not been successful, some guests show up once and then do not show up anymore. John and Mani agree that when this happens is just not the right f...
Episode 391 "Show Your Guns"
We’re Live. New blood is coming into town and one of the first steps, when this happens, is to start sharing strategies with one another, based on their entrepreneurship and perspectives. Which always proves to be quite helpful, no matter how much time yo...
Episode 390 "Finding Real Value"
We’re Live. There’s always a project that just does not work no matter what amount of effort you put into it, the idea could be solid but if people don't see the real value in it it's just not going to work. John and Mani Analyse various scenarios when th...
Episode 389 "Take The Risk"
We’re Live. John recently hired someone dedicated to sales, that is helping him through Instagram dm and other areas. It turns out that the price range was way higher than expected, but, is it worth it? It Absolutely is and here they tell you why. The...
Episode 388 ”The Wrong Picture"
We’re Live. One of the most common things to happen in any enterprise, webinar, or any kind of business is that the client gets the whole perspective of it wrong, especially when the matter is making money. John and Mani have an interesting discussion...
Episode 387 "People Fail the System"
We’re live. The guys are in new offices and talking about productivity systems that have worked and also failed in the past, coming to one logical conclusion: Systems work, people are the ones who fail. There’s one simple explanation for this and it is...
Episode 386 "Extreme Makeover"
We’re Live. John and Mani are currently in the process of reinventing their business, getting new ideas out, testing out processes, and finding out what type of new audiences can come in a have a taste. This has taken most of the time that the guys have...
Episode 385 "Look for More People"
We’re live. Mani starts with the continuing process of his upcoming webinar, and how the writing aspect of it is very similar to writing a book, what makes people buy the book or assisting the webinar which brings the same results. John adds up to this...
Episode 384 "Self Discipline?"
We’re Live. Mani is currently working on his new webinar and one of the most important steps is getting that hook or punchline that will get the consumer to truly stay and buy the product. Many insights and ideas grow here during the discussion, getti...
Episode 383 "New Blood"
We’re Live. Getting to know a new team member it's always a part of the process, with the Depart of Chuck from the podcast it’s time for changes. The guys are looking forward to keeping Entreprogrammers alive and evolving, so the next step was clear a...
Episode 382 "Scale Productivity"
We’re Live. This is a topic that will always pop up when you’re an entrepreneur, there’s going to be a certain point in time that you will have success, or in other cases, this is needed to get to the point where you want to be. Mani and John have an...
Episode 381 " Shifting Gears"
We’re Live. Chuck is back in the scene but he’s coming with not-so-great news! In this episode, Chuck and John Talk about how their lives have changed over the passing years. Looking forward to the new paths that both are building towards their journe...
Episode 380 'Cold Traffic"
We’re Live. Analysing the necessary data in order to make the best decisions in your entrepreneurship has to be one of the most important steps that you have to make, this will definitely take you closer to success no doubt about it. To get this data...
Episode 379 "New Master Plan"
We’re Live. The guys finally meet up for the first time this year and the main topic here are the new ideas and new goals for this upcoming year, how to approach these situations and make the best of it. New exciting ideas like really show the world h...
Episode 378 "Selective Sponsorship"
We’re Live. Usual report from the guys except that there’s a small situation in Chuck’s mind, Podcast and Sponsorship has been the main game that has kept Chuck in the game. Now the main concern is that the standard approach can be faulty sometimes. Chuck...
Episode 377 "Never Stop Learning"
We’re Live. Mani is currently finding the best way possible to sell one of his newest products, he decided to get an out perspective. As it turns out, it was the best thing that he could do, many new ideas came to him just by introducing this outside pers...
Episode 376 "Boosting Strategies"
We’re Live. John is pretty happy at the moment because one of his strategies had an amazing list of emails and subscribers to one of his programs. The funny thing is that it really was a small one and the reward was big. Sometimes the most powerful mess...
Episode 375 "Attention To Detail"
We’re Live. John Starts off with the situation that he’s handling for the project manager spot, long story short is not working out. There is a series of skills that a person needs to have in order to fulfill this job at the level that John requires....
Episode 374 "Bottleneck in our business"
We’re Live. Long time since the guys had a chat to talk about their business and one of the first topics that John brings to the table is the need to delegate certain tasks that are put simply, It takes too much time to do although is easy stuff but they...
Episode 373 "Mixing The Prices"
We’re Live. In the business game, the price and value of things can change overnight, the guys are currently experimenting with different types of approaches to their products it doesn’t matter if the product is new or old. In fact, trying out old produ...
Episode 372 "Pay to Play"
We’re Live. Long time since 3 guys got together to talk about stuff, and the first thing that comes up is that John has been banned from Tiktok, and possibly shadow-banned on Youtube. Mani Gets into a great argument on how they have demonstrated that yo...
Episode 371 "The Time Has Come"
We’re Live. After a long time of coming back to a regular job, Chuck Finally is on the point that he can start making decisions to get back fully on his Entrepreneurship, income is covering everything but as always is not as easy as it sounds. Mani give...
Episode 370 "Irresistible Offer"
We’re Live. The first topic of conversations goes to the importance of having a sales page, and that it has to be fast and efficient in order for it to work. But this develops a great idea that John has for Mani to get even better sales with the focus blo...
Episode 369 "Fix Your Funnels"
We’re Live. Chuck starts off by saying that he just came back from a nice camping trip where he had the chance to really have some quiet time with his thoughts a take a look at things from a different perspective, especially on the business side to come u...
Episode 368 "A LIttle Push"
We’re Live. the guys talk about a situation that has always been such a struggle throughout any business or entrepreneurship that they have put in the effort in order for the customers to get the memberships. What happens when the customer pays for the...
Episode 367 "Getting Over Frustration"
We’re Live, Chuck is currently having some issues with his entrepreneurial process, he’s lacking motivation and actually is just doing the steps without the proper angle, so the outcome is not being the best. He has an interesting conversation with Mani...
Episode 366 "Ideal Customer"
We’re Live. One of the main concerns of any entrepreneurship is the niche. This is a decision that has to be made on day one before starting off, based on this the whole strategy will move accordingly. Word of advice, the specific the niche the better. ...
Episode 365 "Quick Results"
We’re Live. It’s a fact that people when committing to a program or something, in particular, want quick results. In the area of Coaching, clients can go away if the results are not seen or the value of the program in a very short time, they tend to feel...
Episode 364 "Just Use It"
We’re Live. Selling Memberships is hard, there’s no doubt about it. According to Mani the secret here is to get the client to use your product, that’s it. Once they are there they are hooked up. And that’s the mission of entrepreneurship, you need to of...
Episode 363 "Resources"
We’re Live. The guys start an interesting conversation based on where to apply their efforts with the number of resources that always keep flowing in, Chuck is currently having some issues because the business is not reflecting well on the revenue. Is not...
Episode 362 " High-Quality Leisures"
We’re Live. Getting things is definitely the core factor when you’re an entrepreneur. The guys talk recently about focus blocks that have really helped improve this process, today brings up something extremely important. High-quality leisures are activi...
Episode 361 "Focus Blocks"
We’re Live. Chuck starts off with some issues he’s got with getting people to actually convert to clients, emphasis on doing a headline that will capture the person without even seeing the complete landing page is the key here. Focus is the main issue h...
Episode 360 "Recurring Payment"
We’re Live. The guys start off smoothly to a subject that seemed not that important but in the end, it makes you feel safe as entrepreneurs and it is a recurring payment. Chuck talks about he usually takes sponsorships under contract for a number of epi...
Episode 359 "Intentions to Accountability"
We’re Live. Mani starts off by saying that he has launched a new business. It is definitely a different and exciting concept. As we know Mani likes to experiment with new things to get the best outcome possible. There’s a serious issue on possible clien...
Episode 358 "Start Listening"
We’re Live. First Off, there’s a nice retrospective about how long these guys have been doing Podcast shows, a long time indeed more than 10 years which is incredible taking into account how much the programming community has changed. In Other Topics, Chu...
Episode 357 "Relationships"
We’re Live. Chuck Starts by saying to the guys that during a business trip to Nashville, some things that happened there made him realize that his business’s focus has not been in the right place the whole time. His Business is based on Technology but i...
Episode 356 "Sequencing"
We’re Live. Mani brings up a subject that is really interesting and very important if you are planning on becoming an entrepreneur. There are literally thousands of courses and coaches that will teach you how to get your business going and hundreds of thi...
Episode 355 "Life or Death"
We’re Live. Chuck starts off with something that has been in his mind for the last couple of weeks, he feels that from a certain point of view he has not fought for something with everything he’s got because all of his life that need was never there. I...
Episode 354 "Patience is Key"
We’re Live..Mani starts off sharing with the guys an anecdote of a technique he learned to actually lose the minimum amount of money during the test phase when segmenting an audience. The usual steps were testing to a broad audience, get the data, and...
Episode 353 "Attentive Marketer"
We’re Live. This week Mani explains to the guys the whole process that he has been working on for the last couple of weeks, and it has been quite a journey. He has been going through a transformation on how he’s doing things, some of the stuff is experime...
Episode 352 "Converter Sales Page"
We’re Live. John starts off the conversation with a boom, he’s looking to Sale Simple Programmer. No surprise it is actually something that was predicted because he’s entirely focused on other stuff at the moment. In Other Topics, Mani’s experiment wi...
Episode 351 "Tasks Take Time"
We’re Live. Starts off with some good news from his Masterclass, better numbers than expected, he;s at a point that he can raise the price on the masterclass which is great. Only to find that sweet spot where people keep coming in and keeping the audience...
Episode 350 "Branding"
We’re live. John and Mani have a nice talk about branding which Mani is thinking of do major changes to his. New Logo, Color s chem, the whole nine yards. This a crucial step in the wholesale scenario. It basically means you are professional and doing...
Episode 349 "Approaching a sales conversation"
We’re Live. Chuck and Mani start off the conversation by talking about their workspace and how important it is to separate work from home, it may sound simple but it makes such a big difference in the productivity levels that is just amazing. It’s the dif...
Episode 348 "Language for Sales"
We’re Live. Chuck and /mani start off checking up their sales pages approach, both basically have the same program which is a Mastermind program, a high ticket product that requires specific language or approach if you will, to capture that specific clien...
Episode 347 "GameStop"
We´re Live. Chuck and John start off with the most recent events on the stock market, which was something that nobody expected it was even possible, but they did it. This is what a revolution is, this represents the great deal of control that people c...
Episode 346 "Sense of Value"
We´re Live. Chuck is currently doing a second take on his product getting the new emails the 2nd go, it definitely showed improvement but there´s still room for improvement. One of the main reasons the emails are not fully working is because they are no...
Episode 345 "Minor Setback"
We’re Live. Chuck starts off the conversation with that one of his projects did not hit any sales. This was surprising because he said that everything was done as planned, prediction numbers were good, it was supposed to work. Mani proposes to analyze t...
Episode 344 "Time and Effort"
We´re Live. Chuck and John with the controversial topic of the week, (we all know what happened) but they are here to talk about how to make money as Mani appointed. Lots of Stuff on Chuck Plate right now, Mani advises him that timing is crucial here an...
Episode 343 "Enterprise Value"
We´re Live. Chuck starts off by saying that heñs passing through Covid right now, and apparently John has it too. So, Quick recovery for these guys. In Other Topics, Chuck explains that current plans are going well but is something that is solely base...
Episode 342 "Upcoming Plans"
We’re Live. John and Mani are discussing future plans for 2021, this involves experimenting in areas that not been tested before, John Despises Tiktok but he’s conscious that this the biggest rapid growth media at the moment, so investments have been done...
Episode 341 "Focus & New Ideas"
We´re Live. Right now Chuck is moving his Weels towards his entrepreneurship, and things are looking good. There’s a ton of stuff that’s coming his way and the main thing that he needs to do now is focused on the correct choices. Lots of new ideas were...
Episode 340 "Keep an eye for details"
We’re Live. Chuck is really starting to get his business moving with all that’s going with the full work and whatnot, business never seems to stop just slowed the pace. The decision-making process is extremely important in this whole endeavor, although...
Episode 339 "Spoils go to the victor"
We’re Live. After a Very strange Black Friday the guys came Through way better than expected. Now is time to analyze the whole process to make sure that this can be applied to any upcoming situations, the guys tell it as it is, they were nervous and pre...
Episode 338 "Black Friday?"
We’re Live. John and Mani, have a weird figuring out what is going with Black Friday? John has a theory on it, there’s not much hype this year there’s no actual rush to go and take the sales. There are different variations to this, sales and good deal...
Episode 337 "Time to Decide"
We’re Live. The guys start the conversation talking about the difference manufacturers on tech right and who’s really got their game on, there’s definitely a lot to choose from especially next year which there’s going to be a lot of new stuff coming. Jo...
Episode 336 " The Tech Community"
We’re live. John received an interesting tweet that could have created a whole new internet drama. It turns out his old publisher was trying to get a book with the same name as John’s Soft Skills Book… the shame. Nevertheless, things were cleared out an...
Episode 335 "Obstacles in the Way"
We´re live. Chuck is on the verge of taking an important decision regarding his full-time job, and the entrepreneurship that he wants to keep on doing. But there´s definitely a ton of stuff that comes in the way to do this, it has been a crossroad for Chu...
Episode 334 “The Level of Dedication”
We’re Live. Chuck is currently training for a marathon and he’s looking forward to an Iron Man. This Triathlon is not a walk in the park, it is compared to a full 50-mile run which is really difficult to do and requires a lot of training. The guys have...
Episode 333 "Grass is Greener"
We’re Live. John is currently trying to catch on to some stuff that he needs to do while Chuck is already based on his new full-time job, which he’s not quite happy about it. Not that there’s anything wrong with the job itself, but is just not what he w...
Episode 332 "Building Ads"
We’re live. John is currently working on some ads that are much longer than ads usually are and it’s struggling to get the right topics and building the whole structure around it. Mani is actually a lot of help on this due to his background and pitches...
Episode 331 " The Name of the Game"
We’re Live. John Was recently in a conference where he had to some talking and the topic was a bit controversial, it was basically a “Mans man” conference but he had the approach of feminism. Many women were there just to get the perception that will le...
Episode 330 "Getting Back On Track"
We’re live. John Definitely had a hard time during the whole process for the 100 mile race, the whole thing got canceled, he got injured, and he’s signing up for another 100 mile race in texas… I know it’s difficult to believe but is John we are talking...
Episode 329 "Getting a job you don’t want"
We’re live. Chuck is finally starting on his new job and currently struggling with the time schedule that he’s into, coming back to this has been a nightmare for him. Getting everything together and trying to run his podcast business has been the major co...
Episode 328 "High Stress Levels"
We’re Live. John is currently on his training for the 100-mile marathon, actually on site. There’s actually rumors of a possible cancellation of the whole event due to the pandemic. Bulldog Mindset has got a good Growth recently on the membership side o...
Episode 327 "Unexpected News"
We’re Live. John is planning on taking a trip to finish off his training for the 100-mile marathon that he’s planning to do. A Whole month just to get your body adapted to the high altitude that he’s going to be facing on this marathon. On Other Topics,...
Episode 326 "Full-time Job"
We’re Live. New strategies are arising regarding Affiliate Marketing. Chuck is testing out some new stuff on Podcast episodes, also John Is trying a new approach too. It seems to me that there’s no end to the possibilities of this type of marketing. Altho...
Episode 325 "Tough Decisions"
We’re Live. John had some bad time during training recently. He’s training for a 100-mile run and one of the phases of the training was doing a really complicated Hike., Let’s just say he had a bad time on it, almost broke both of his ankles and ran out o...
Episode 324 " Showing Progress"
We’re live. Chuck is currently having some issues with his email that are actually affecting his finances, the list of mails started to go to spam and he had to change to another email address. Turns out the transition is taking longer than expected. Co...
Episode 323 "Narrow Your Audience"
We’re Live. Chuck and John start comparing notes with their training schedule. Chuck is actually extremely tired with the whole training and eating well, and Jhon due to his training is eating a ton of food and keeps getting hungry. In Other Topics, Joh...
Episode 322 "The Higher Level"
We’re Live. Chuck and John are currently full with work and also training, which has been a nightmare for John, because he needs to get more sleep than usual. Chuck is getting back to training but going at a slow pace. Things have been going interestin...
Episode 321 "Change, Adapt, Overcome"
We’re Live. As we know John is planning to do another really difficult run and one of the training processes is adjusting to the altitude, like all things is about really knowing the field and feel confident about it. On This note, Chuck is actually lo...
Episode 320 "The Good Old Days"
We’re Live. John and Mani are currently working on a promotion and it’s going way better than expected, it seems to me that some old tricks seem to do the work, and even work better than before. After analyzing the data they cam to a clear conclusion, i...
Episode 319 "The Master of Clickbait"
We’re Live. John has recently been having a lot of traffic on his Youtube Channel Bulldog Mindset, various factors have arise to show that are contributing to this cause, like good clickbait names. He’s been currently working with a new video editor, w...
Episode 318 "Don't Give Up"
We’re Live. So One of the first things that pop out in the conversation is that John recently finished a 50-mile run, which is something incredibly difficult, talk about Bulldog Mindset huh? Pun aside, Congrats to John on this Achievement, and He’s actual...
Episode 317 "Halfway There"
We’re Live. What a year it has been, definitely the most interesting ones in decades. All situations aside business has thrive no matter what. Guys start the conversation reviewing various experiments and processes that they have been through the year s...
Episode 316 "Hot Potato"
We’re Live. Chuck starts off with an anecdote about a person that both he and John have done business with, In Fact, had a nice trade with this person which actually made him earn a good amount of signups to his membership plan. Small World huh? In o...
Episode 315 "Simplifying things"
We’re live. John starts the conversation with a nostalgia train remembering the founding members of Entreprogrammers, also that intro needs to changed LOL. In other topics, chuck is experimenting with his podcast audience and it’s looking for advice f...
Episode 314 "Upsell Are Not as Good as They Used To Be"
We’re Live. John and Mani are currently doing a promotion together through the Simple Programmer Channel, testing different approaches to the current market right now. Turns Out Upsell is working less than expected, which at the moment is really not a...
Episode 313 "Sanding off the edges"
We’re Live. Recently Chuck and John did a small partnership helping out Chuck with some sales using the Simple Programmer Audience, and it worked. Not only worked, but it also did pretty well. 50-50 share and both parties got a nice chunk. But now comes...
Episode 312 "Sales Are Coming Back"
We’re Live. Great news from the guys. All points out that recent strategies are working on bringing sales home. People are constantly online these days. Chuck made a few alterations on one of his sites design-wise and had a big sales uprising in just on...
Episode 311 "Turn Crisis Into Victory"
We’re Live. One of the most important things when hiring someone is high levels of communication. For the guys is even more important than delivering the tasks assigned on time, there’s nothing more frustrating than having to follow up with a person to ch...
Episode 310 "Nobody Knows The Truth Anymore"
We’re Live. The guys start with how many things are being speculated in the market these days. Housing prices especially are going to have a dramatic change among other issues that are just not clear in the present day. One of the most concerning issues i...
Episode 309 "Impending Crash"
We’re Live. The Guys start discussing the actual measures that the government is applying during this crisis, essentially they are doing all the wrong things at the wrong time. This is basically going to cost the government and amazing amount of money a...
Episode 308 "The Uncertainty Is The Killer"
We’re Live. Mani tells the story to John of How he was on a COVID-19 Isolation Ward. Mani was not infected thankfully but went through a big process just to get in quarantine again al because of simple flu that he had. That’s the situation right now Oth...
Episode 307 "The Name Of The Game: Survive"
We’re Live. Chuck and John definitely have been affected by the whole situation. Many businesses are doing stuff for free just to keep clientele. It’s definitely hard times ahead. Regarding the decisions made worldwide, the guys have a discussion on how...
Episode 306 "Common Sense is not the Law"
We’re Live. Guys start the conversation debating all the processes that they have been gone through (and the population) due to the lockdown, quarantine, etc. There’s a lot of contradiction with what the government is doing and the constitution, but the b...
Episode 305 "The COVID-19 Effect"
We’re Live. Coronavirus has had a huge effect on the economy in the last passing weeks, and the guys were not left out in this process. John Starts the conversations by telling how he lost a big amount of money on a bad investment due to bad timing and th...
Episode 304 "The Sales Streak is over"
We’re Live. Mani Starts the conversation summarizing last week for Chuck, he went with John to meet up with high ticket players in the business and conferences just to increase the contact, overall great Week for the guys. On the other hand, things have s...
Episode 303 "High Quality Customer"
We’re Live. John and Mani start the conversation reviewing a strategy that Jhon has been applying to Bulldog Mindset recently, the thing is, he’s looking for high-quality clients only which is a niche that can be tricky. He has been trying different thing...
Episode 302 "The Leads Hunt"
We’re Live. Chuck solve his issue with the email broadcast and has got his team ready for action. On the other hand, it appears than the outsourced way to get the leads works well, he’s currently finalizing details on it, and yes, business it’s on the top...
Episode 301 "Guilty By Association"
We’re Live. Another week in a row for Chuck with Sales through the roof! But not all is good news, he has an issue with the payments, but nonetheless sales don’t seem to want to end at least for the nearest feature. Continuing on the Chuck Sales Fest,...
Episode 300 "A System That Works"
We’re Live. Chuck is absolutely killing it with sales, he has made more sales in 3 weeks than the whole last year, Incredible moment for chuck and he just keeps on getting more. He.s currently looking for ways to increase his leads, share some stuff wit...
Episode 299 "Keeping Momentum"
We’re Live. Guys start the conversation with how they’re trying to get back on track with their exercise routine. Chuck is thinking of doing the Dopey challenge, John relives this as the hell that it was haha. John is actually training for a 100-mile run...
Episode 298 "The Pursuit For Sales"
We’re Live. Chuck starts the conversation with Mani, talking about his whole process of sale through email marketing, numbers, conversion rates, etc. He’s doing good and does a great job at it, but it’s the more tiresome area of the business, really pursu...
Episode 297 "Call Me When You Need To Make Money"
We’re Live. John starts the conversation about a person that has worked with him recently and marks a recurrent trend, they only go to John when they want to make money otherwise, he’s not on the radar. Most of the “Liberal” People have their ideals alwa...
Episode 296 "Big Plans"
We’re Live. Great Sales Plans to start 2020 for Chuck, has 3 major goals to reach. Not impossible ones, but difficult to achieve. Big numbers to reach and one of the things that Chuck is doing is documenting his whole process on Sales, There’s a possibili...
Episode 295 "New Years Resolutions"
We’re live. Last Entreprogrammers of the year! It has definitely been a heck of a ride for all of the guys. The conversation starts about plans for 2020 and small closures needed to move on. Big Plans for Chuck. Mani and John Advise Chuck who has had mass...
Episode 294 "Happy Holidays"
We’re Live. New Approach for Chuck has been working exceptionally well, lots of sponsors, people seem to be comfortable with how things are being handled at the moment and he’s been having lots of responses and great feedback on everything. Great Work Chu...
Episode 293 "New Approach"
We’re live, after all the blurriness that the guys have passed recently, they have continued their life and their work like nothing happened. Chuck has come back to using the Pomodoro technique to pick up productivity and it’s been going well, in fact, Ch...
Episode 292 "Best Seller"
We´re live. Chuck had great success with his Book Launch, Currently a best seller in Amazon, Kudos! But not everything was peachy for this book. It was a really long and tiresome process to finally get the product ready, this includes cover, digital files...
Episode 291 "The Witchhunt Continues!"
We’re live. And the Witchhunt Continues! Believe it or not ladies and gentlemen, they are still pursuing Chuck and John to take them down from the internet (LOL). This is practically impossible for 2 main reasons, John is practically showing his middle fi...
Episode 290 "Internet is a happy place"
We´re Live. The guys start the conversation with a situation that concerns Chuck, regarding the Linux Foundation. Chuck is thinking about this because he doesn’t want any trouble. John Clearly says he has a case here, Chuck was publicly defamed. The situ...
Episode 289 "No Privilege"
We´re Live. Chuck and John Tell us a funny anecdote of how hatred took over a twitter post from Chuck, John probably did not respond the most civil way haha. People ended up calling any type of names the guys, but that´s how it is in the social storm righ...
Episode 288 "Family & Business"
We´re Live. Satya explains to Chuck the process of how he manages his whole business, which is divided into 3 parts. Gives great explanation and Chuck is something completely different from how things are managed in life. Lots of learning here. Satya is a...
Episode 287 "Best Moment to Hire"
We´re Live. John is crunching some numbers for Bulldog Mindset, and it's looking really good. Low Expenses and big Revenue, the next step now is to increment the expenses to get even bigger revenue. This became the main topic of conversation, When is the...
Episode 286 "Start From Zero?"
We´re Live. Guys start the conversation sharing a few laughs about an accident that Chuck had and has a nice scar in the head to prove it hehe (Harry potter Reference comes in). Chuck´s First Marathon is coming in, he feels ready. John Gives him some advi...
Episode 285 "Track Your Sales"
We´re Live. Mani is running different ways to do sales at this point. Just to make it more fun or interesting. This set up quite a nice topic on discounts. This is a double-sided blade, yes, you will sell, but there´s going to be a point that you are only...
Episode 284 "New Blood"
We´re Live. Ladies and Gentleman, We Have new blood on Entreprogrammers. Welcome To Satya Mallick! Satya is an entrepreneur and gives us a brief review of his work, a small presentation of self if you will. Been on various business and had some success. S...
Episode 283 "Moving Day"
We´re Live. Chuck Starts the conversation with John, about how he´s been lifting weights recently and how sore he got, especially on legs than even on his runs, couldn’t complete the goal for that time. John Gives him great advice on this and focuses on n...
Episode 282 "Long Term Decisions"
We´re Live. The conversation starts on how much Chuck is doing in half a month, he is crunching really good numbers, although he´s been slacking on his major focus which is sponsorship sales, this is great for him because he´s a master at this. John Tells...
Episode 281 "Your Money, My Time"
We´re Live. The guys talk about about a system to minimize decisions called Flywheel, it works really well. Mani explained clearly, with fewer decisions you add it works better so you need to focus. Chuck is getting really good on his running, is competin...
Episode 280 "Chuck at the Top"
We´re Live, Guys talk about the app to record the program, Zoom seems to be working fine with the guys, but there´s a slight audio decrease on quality so bare with us. Chuck got a serious issue with his Drip account, they stop doing everything he configur...
Episode 279 "Choose Wisely"
We´re Live, The guys start discussing and comparing sales of the same product but with 2 different approaches, direct promo sales and a funnel to a sales pages. Funnels worked way much better and haven’t even finished the sale. There are different levels...
Episode 278 "The Pomodoro Contest"
We´re Live. The guys start talking about a competition about Pomodoro, who´s more discipline who gets more Pomodoro done. John and Josh share strategies to work on this, using apps that block your social media or internet connection, but the guys agree th...
Episode 277 "Social Media Transformation"
We´re Live. John is checking back with his 10 Pomodoro a day technique, and it's amazing how much of a difference it makes. It´s the equivalent of 4 weeks of work in 1 week, that´s something else. To put the cherry on top, between 5 Pomodoro break, he´s r...
Episode 276 "You´ve got to push through"
We´re Live. Google Hangouts is finally going die and supposedly going to be replaced by Youtube Webcam, we´ll see how it goes. Other topics, Charles feel off a roof and really hurt his elbow, he has a really funny anecdote on it. He´s a little worried be...
Episode 275 "Pick up the Torch"
We´re Live. The guys start the conversation with how Google gets so many apps on the run just to experiment with them, Wave or Google plus is just an example even Google Health, that are completely shut down right now. That just leads to knowing that some...
Episode 274 "E-mail list Clean up"
We´re Live. Chuck starts the conversation about some emails that he had with some producers and involves John in the process, there was some type of complaint of how John is writing his emails, looks like he´s not giving much information away, chuck wante...
Episode 273 "Youtube Algorithm"
We´re Live. Mani wants some feedback on a video that changes his traffic with little details changed on it like changing the title and thumbnail, there was a huge difference in traffic and the guys are analyzing it. They´re not sure what actually happened...
Episode 272 "Build Your Brand"
We´re Live. Mani Talks to the guys about an email campaign about some new courses that he´s developing and looking for feedback on this especially from Josh who´s done this lots of times for Simple Programmer. The main topic in this conversation is that w...
Episode 271 "Price Point"
We´re live. Mani talks with John about how he´s preparing to come back to his cycle of work, always a difficult thing to do especially when you have a long vacation. Mani is thinking about some launch that he wants to do, and his rambling on ideas. John A...
Episode 270 "You Pay For Social Media"
We´re Live. Mani is back from his vacation, he reiterates how cheap it is to travel to Thailand and Bali. Although he had an amazing time and lots of fun, he was looking to work every day at least 4 hours but it becomes really difficult because he couldn’...
Episode 269 "Python is on"
We´re Live. Chuck tells how ti went with the podcast booth. I manage to get a lot a business and a lot of sponsors, lots of contacts were made, which was the main goal for the booth, so incredibly great for Charles. The best thing about booth is that is m...
Episode 268 "The Simple Programmer Show"
We´re Live. No Mani today, he´s on vacation in Thailand and Charles we are not sure where he is. So this is a Simple Programmer guys show. Guys talk about possible negotiations for the future of SP and a lot of people that are turning down because they do...
Episode 267 "Don´t Trust Facebook"
We´re Live. Mani starts telling the guys that he´s going on a trip to Thailand and wants to spend as many time as possible there. Charles wants to take this trip, also would like to travel the world, as an experience that´s definitely going to take a lot...
Episode 266 "No Downtime"
We´re Live. Guys start joking about John possibly having Mono, and Mani tells him that he´s pretty sure that he doesn’t have mono because mono is one most horrible experiences he´s had in his life. Apparently, he´s just tired. Mani is experimenting to fin...
Episode 265 "Taxes, Taxes, Taxes"
We´re Live, Guys start talking about that they´re finally taking down hangouts but going to keep youtube streaming. Charles is still traveling having meetings with the sponsors for the podcast shows. Also giving an anecdote about a podcast booth that he i...
Episode 264 "Devil may care attitude"
We´re Live. Charles starts sharing some good news that he´s got on the podcaster world, being super successful a looking for improvement. Lots of podcasters and sponsors want to work with Charles. Talks about some podcast show that have gone silent and ha...
Episode 263 "Subscriber Does Not Mean Sale
We´re Live. Josh Talks about how a negotiation went and getting some feedback from Mani. It went really well for Josh on this negotiation and the client ends up with a big profit too so everyone´s a winner. Mani gives advice to Josh about traffic and the...
Episode 262 "Valuable Connections"
We´re live. John talks about a new server they´re testing which is better and self-maintained. Its been a whole adventure coming back to Linux based server. Lots of stuff to relearn and mistakes made during the process. Sweet come back to programming for...
Episode 261 "Podfest"
We´re Live. Starting off John and Mani talk about the evolution of entreprogrammers podcast through time, lots have changed and even talk about doing a more private versión. Somebody´s has some skeletons in their closets. Charles Talks about a podcast eve...
Episode 260 "High Quality Employees"
We´re Live, Late start for the guys and John start´s off telling that he needs to stop selling his shirts because its taking people from youtube and not making any money, on the other hand, Charles talks about his running schedule. John Talks about the la...
Episode 259 "Solid Business Models"
We´re Live, Charles starts off saying that he is in California too for a conference and tells John that he pissed off about what John said last week about him being bored. Tells him that John is completely right and because of this, he has become more pro...
Episode 258 "Money Making Machine"
We´re live. Charles starts talking to Mani about a podcast he has with him and wishes some guest would jump in. Asks Josh and John for advise on an ebook launch that he´s planning to do, regarding editors, proofreading and that kind of stuff. Charles is l...
Episode 257 "Affiliate Sales & Integrated Marketing"
We´re Live. The group starts talking about affiliate sales, and how mani is helping Charles with this. Charles Has a great start on it, had a 10% click which is really good. Mani adds some cool ideas that can boost everything. John gives a little explanat...
Episode 256 "Complex Situations"
We´re live. Josh starts joking how cold it is! Mani asks the guys how the sale went, Josh explains that is has been difficult. Using ads for interviews needs a time-sensitive aiming, it needs to be exact. Josh Talks about the transition that Simple Progra...
Episode 255 "It`s All About The Money"
We´re Live, Google hangouts is going away and the guys are talking about what is the next solution for the reunions going to be, apparently lots of apps are getting erased due to the massive competition. Youtube Hangouts maybe? John and Josh talk about an...
Episode 254 "Marketing Never Changes"
We´re live. It all starts joking around on the Response that John had on his channel about the Gillette “Toxic Masculinity” Ad. Everyone thinks is the dumbest thing there is, it's completely misguided to masculinity, Charles says “It should be called DON´...
Episode 253 "Great Audiences & Collaborations"
We´re Live, starting the show as a duo Josh and Mani talk about how John is running for “his life” on a marathon in Orlando, then start a discussion on how the Dan Lok Special went and how the promotions came through. Numbers were good. John Jumps into th...
Episode 252 "Sales Tactics & Strategies"
John Talks about the experience with Dan Lok, how they take every detail for granted, even check with John to see how many sales he can make, how Many views his channel does, how many hits, the videos can make. The guy is no walk in the park. Everyone agr...
Episode 251 "Back From The Holidays"
Charles Talks about jogging and the style of pacing and losing weight, comments that it has been really difficult to jog especially with the cold weather and that he has been doing his work on the treadmill. On the other hand, John said he gained like 10...
Episode 250 “Profitable Funnels”
We’re live. John talks but the trying to cancel the Pennsylvania tax form. John talks about trying to fill out a cancelation form for Pennsylvania taxes. John mentions that Bulldog Mindset is ready as far as logos and website. Mani asks about the load t...
Episode 249 “Charm the Pants Off Anyone”
We’re live. Mani having some tech issues. Chuck mentions that he is 39 today. Chuck talks about being pulled over. Also, mentions that his truck was not registered and had an expired license due to medical issues. John says Chuck is lucky he did not get h...
Episode 248 "Pomodoro Action"
We are alive! John pokes fun as Mani still work on his pomodoros. Chuck joke that he just started his Pomodoro. John maps out his week of us and shares his intense workload. Productivity to its max. John talks about having to be downtown to do a marketi...
Episode 247 “Grind It Out”
Full house today, Everyone picks on Josh about being gone and doing some Black Friday shopping. John mentions that finally sold somethings. Josh talks about the recent Plural Sight promotion. Josh talks about the new direction Plural Sight has taking sinc...
Episode 246 “Black Friday Tactics”
John and Mani start the show talking about their Black Friday sales. Mani talks about what he is choosing to put on sale. Mani talks about doing a daily deal, as John says he likes to do bundle sales. John talks about how people how still buy a bundle eve...
Episode 245 "Dancing Bear"
John and Mani start the show poking fun at Josh buying a minivan. John talks about problems with the website forms on Simple Programmer. John mentions there were some issues with the content upgrade forms. John talks about creating opt-ins for a new guid...
Episode 244 “We Be Roll’N”
John opens the show and throws off Josh. John shows his new Bulldog Mindset designs. John talks about using 99 Designs. John talks about trying to find a non-gangster look for the Bulldog Mindset logo. John talks about how he chose his logo and merchandi...
Episode 243 “Chuck and John Show”
John and Chuck talk about Google Hangouts disappearing soon. Also, finding out ways to do the mastermind call. Chuck talks about using zoom.us for recording the podcast call. Chuck talks about using repurpose.io. Chuck talks about some marketing and email...
Episode 242 “Dumb Blind Persistence”
0:15 We’re Live! John mentions having to hop off soon. John mentions that Josh is not on the podcast because he was not happy with the result they have been getting with the membership drive. John sarcastically says people don’t want him back because no o...
Episode 241 “Do you want fries with that… ”
0:15 We’re live. Josh ask if Mani was standing at his desk. Josh says he has runner knee. Mani and Josh talk about standing and actively standing and working. John talks about the intensity of running and being on a call at a treadmill. More talks about...
Episode 240: “Lazy Bulldog”
0:15 We’re Live. John talks about Google Hangouts going away. Chuck suggest moving to Zoom for recordings and live streaming. John talks about being back at it. John says he is going to be a bit more involved with projects at Simple Programmer and revivi...
Episode 239 “I’m a Unique Snowflake”
0:15 We’re Live! John is finally back home. EntreProgrammer talks about returning home from travels. John says he is done traveling until the Marathon in La Vegas in November. Chuck suggest to John doing an Ultra Marathon. John says depending on how he fe...
Episode 238 “Eat the Bear”
0:15 We’re Live. Chuck coming in from the Frameworks Summit in Park City Utah. Chuck gives a fun down of the various core teams and technologies being discussed at the Summit. Chuck talks about networking and meeting with previous guests on the podcasts...
Episode 237 "Give Me the Pretzels"
0:15 We’re Live! Chuck says he is having one of those weeks that makes him want to be a pig farmer. Chuck talks about his sponsors not paying him on time. John jokes that Chuck is going to burn down the building. Chuck continues with how these companies...
Episode 236 “Josh and Chuck Show 3”
0:15 We are live. John and Mani are at Thrive Conference. Not related to Thrive Cart or Themes. Chuck mentions recording some 14 plus EntreProgrammers podcast this week. Chuck also mention some new signups the the My Story podcasts on the Dev Chat TV netw...
Episode 235 “Double Dongle”
0:15 We’re Live! John is back from vacation. Chuck sporting his Javascript Jabber wear. Mani comments on the cooler weather coming soon. Josh jokes about the small weather changes in San Diego. Chuck continues the talks about the 69 and below weather in C...
Episode 234 “Mistakes and Moving Sites”
0:15 We’re live. I believe. Josh talks about getting emails from Chuck. Chuck mentions going back to shaving his head. Also, Chuck mentions that things are getting better and is very busy. Chuck talks about how his WooCommerce was not working for him. S...
Episode 233 "Free Slurpee Coupons!"
0:15 We’re live. John in progress talks about a 15 person meet up in Barcelona. John mentions the numbers he gets on engagement on Instagram. John says the engagement numbers are better than email. John says that he is basically doing an email via Instag...
Episode 232 “No Longer Making The Pizza”
0:15 We’re live. Let’s take off our shirts and talk. John is still in Barcelona, and John gives a rundown of other travels after vacation. Chuck mentions some other avid listeners of EntreProgrammers and some activity at VidCon. Chuck talks about the stag...
Episode 231 “Pay in Chucks”
0:15 We are Live! John coming to us from Barcelona. Chuck suggest ordering a Topas. Chuck talks about numbers dropping because on the IAB Tracking system for podcasts. Chuck gives info on how Apple podcasts app relay tracking to host systems. Chuck mentio...
Episode 230 “You Don’t Need Underwear…”
0:15 We’re Live! Josh is moved and partially unpacked in his new home. 3X the work he expected. EntreProgrammers discuss the trail of moving. Josh talks about how did not get anything done during the move. Josh talks about trying to move with children in...
Episode 229 "Alternate Reality"
0:15 John talks about his 12 hour trip to Rome. John talks about starting a podcast call Mic Check. John mentions visiting only 3 countries this summer. John says he is glad there are more EntreProgrammers, because he can now sleep during the show. 5:30 C...
Episode 228 “Simple Programmer Edition”
Josh and John discuss the Simple Programmer business and product discount for members. Discount starts at 50%. Chuck joins and talks about landscaping and yard work. Yes, entrepreneurs do yard work too. More promotional talks with Mani and Josh.
Episode 227 "Just Josh and Chuck"
Chuck and Josh start off talking about golfing and working on the yard. Chuck talks about some sponsors paying late and working on the podcast business. Also some discussion on how sponsor/business works.
Episode 226 “Monster Sheep”
John, Chuck, and John discuss Josh’s recent trip to Ireland with hisPerry Marshall group. Again more talks about the heat wave and retreat talk. John talks about changing his youtube channel to BullDog Mindset. Chuck talks about landing more sponsors for...
Episode 225 “We are the Only Ones”
John and Mani only today. The show must go on. John and Mani discuss getting ready, but never being ready ever. John talks about taking the shot anyway even if you are ready or not. Commit first!
Episode 224 "Are You Here For Pleasure, or Pleasure"
EntreProgrammers talk about upcoming international travels, Interview Cake and upcoming collaborations and much more!
Episode 223 "Home Improvement?"
0:15 Josh is currently in Ireland. Chuck mentions that John forced Josh to retire. Also, some talk about the climbing stock of Plural Sight Stock, and how other are wishing the bought when the prices were low. 3:15 Chuck talks about mentioning to his coho...
Episode 222 “Caching”
0:15 We’re live. John is currently on a house swap vacation in 10 degree cooler weather. Josh is talking about having San Diego on his weather app and loves the weather. Mani talks about his recent launch, 600 clicks, 17 sales at 300 dollars. Mani mentio...
Episode 221 “The Hamster Wheel”
0:15 We’re Live. Josh talks about getting shocked about a newsletter email entitle GDR is Bullshit. Mani says he would like to see an unsubscribe rather than a spam issue. EntreProgrammers talks about the rights or non rights of GDPR. Josh talks about his...
Episode 220 “Come at me bro!”
0:15 We are live. Josh mentions being sick of GDPR, and the tons of emails and notifications about the change with Data. John says fuck GDPR. Chuck explains some of the implementations of GDPR. John mentions the VAT Tax. Josh explains the paying of taxes...
Episode 219 “Russian Brides”
0:15 Mani talks about almost becoming a video game developer. Josh talks about doing an experiment with a viewer named Jason, who was writing some emails for Josh about video game development. Josh talks about the email marketing experiment. John jokes ab...
Episode 218 “Building Systems”
0:15 We’re live. Chuck talks about getting back form Microsoft Build. Josh talks about attending a Perry Marshall seminar called Rosetta Stone , and meeting great marketing folks. Josh says John and Mani are not going to join, but he wanted to hear about...
Episode 217 "Buy My $hit!"
0:15 We’re Live. John talks about a company with a language learning course that he met with at MircoConf and how they have no email marketing strategy. We need Josh Earl in there. Josh says he needs to open a re-education center for marketing. John ment...
Episode 216: “I’m Not Wearing Underwear”
0:15 Chuck talks about buying a van in progress, and issues with his father’s health. Josh says he is feeling underdress. Also some talk about Kanye West. John talks about doing a live stream with Antonio from Real Men Real Style. John talks about the Q&A...
Episode 215 “Sleeping in my office…”
0:15 We’re live! Josh mentions some openings for two new members on Team Wolfpack. For more information email at josh@joshuaearl.com. John joke about moving into his office due to the sales slump. Josh mentions a new sales test with Hot Jar. Josh talks...
Episode 214 “Memorial Day Sale
0:15 We’re are live! Josh is talking about micro conf. Chuck talks about the Mac updated blues. Chuck talks about how his podcast network is getting crazy recording podcast almost every day. Chuck talks about rearranging record time to fit them all in wi...
Episode 213 "Sale Slumps”
0:15 We’re live! Josh talks about opening on EntreProgarmmers: Team Wolf Pack. One or two opening for josh@joshearl.com . Great opportunity to join the mastermind podcasts. John talks about getting sick right before starting up his routine again. But h...
Episode 212 “Focus and Stick to the Plan!”
0:15 Is Mani still having breakfast? Mani was asking about this past weeks promotion for Profitable Programmer. Predictions in progress. Josh reveals the clicks and conversions, and total revenue for the promotion around 30k. Josh talks about the ideal sc...
Episode 211 "Watch My Cat Videos"
0:15 We’re live. John jokes about being lazy and talks about hurting his shoulder. Josh talk about his wrist issue call “Mommy Thumb.” Josh talks about having to wear a cast or band to help rest and heal his thumb. Josh talks about ordering special ergono...
Episode 210 “ You Need a Bigger Mailman..."
0:15 We’re Live. Mani’s breakfast is in progress. Chuck mentions seeing politics on the TV behind Mani. Mani talks about going “whole hog” on YouTube and having some issues with production. Josh ask about the lengths of Mani’s videos. Mani describes the p...
Episode 209 “Learning New Lessons”
0:15 We’re Live! YouTube live discussion in progress. EntreProgrammers attempt to do a live stream with chat. John talks about a how he an Chuck have a sickness to feel sick and eat junk food. Bad STDs according to Mani. John talks about his recovery str...
Episode 208 “You Need To Get A Cover Job!”
0:15 We’re Live. EnterProgarmmers joke about why there was no episode lates week. John talks about the Grant Cardone event last week. John mention it was a motivational rant. John talks about some interesting things they heard. But it was really for the y...
Episode 207 “Gimme All Your Quests Bars @#%ker”
0:15 We’re Live! Mani is eating his mic and eating his iPad. Technical issues. Josh mentions to not having luck with bluetooth headphones. John comments on how the EntreProgrammer Sub-Group are above 50 episodes. Josh mentions that the Seal Team rung the...
Episode 206 "Blow Sh*t Up!"
0:15 We’re live! Chuck having technical difficulties. Discussion n progress with the Mental Toughness project. There is testing, testing, and more testing. EntreProgrammers talk about the marketing strategies for this new project, price testing and checki...
Episode 205 ”Keywords and Penis Pumps”
0:15 Chuck joke about his glare and Mani is in a detention room. Josh talks about his wireless 8lb headset. The EntreProgrammers talk about the wireless headphones and the troubles with the AirPods. John jokes that Josh electronic trouble because he is li...
Episode 204 “Mani & 2000 Books”
0:15 We’re Live! Joining the show is Mani Vaya, who has been working with Josh and John doing affiliate promotion with Simple Program. Mani is a programmer by trade, he has worked in electrical and computer engineering, to project management, and worked w...
Episode 203 “Hangover and Missing a Kidney”
0:15 We’re Live! John is slacking and is late to the podcast. Chuck talks about selling some more sponsorship spots for his podcast network. Chuck talk about his sales pitch and changing how that new podcast sponsor application works as of now. Also some...
Episode 202 “I Am Leaving Simple Programmer”
0:15 We’re Live! Chuck is coming in from Las Vegas. Big news! John says he is leaving Simple Programmer. In other words, John says he is leaving the CEO role, but still doing the videos. John says he wants to take time to try other things and take a break...
Episode 201 “T Rex and Velociraptor”
0:15 We’re Live. Technical difficulties, what? John mentions he is sitting again because he has been running 5miles in the morning. Josh says the pine box is the solution to standing desks, and such so call health alternatives to work. 2:00 Chuck menti...
Episode 200 “Drunk Uncle Sam”
0:15 We’re Live! The EntreProgrammers talk about how the mixer idea with the rest of the EntreProgrammer Sub Groups was a great idea. John talks about falling off the wagon with his diet for the last 2 weeks. John also mentions winning another cruise pack...
Episode 199 “Consulting Talk with Rick”
0:15 We’re Live ! Josh and Chuck speak with special guest, Ricky of the Poodle Team. Josh mentions that John is on a cruise with no internet connection. Josh and Chuck talk with Rick about the funny name of the subgroup Poodle Team. 2:00 Rick explains how...
Episode 198 “People Flexing”
0:15 We’re live! Josh points out most people have profiles pictures of themselves in the driver seats of their cars. Chuck talks about acquiring sponsorship for NG Conf Atlanta. So his idea to get it paid for is working out. Chuck talks about the logistic...
Episode 197 "Die Trying"
0:15 We’re are alive! EntreProgrammers joke about ending on episode 199 with some cliffhangers. EntreProgarmmers talk about BS TV show endings that suck. 3:30 John mentions hiring a new SEO person and soon a writer to join Simple Programmer. Josh talks bu...
Episode 196 “Money Is Good”
0:15 We’re Live. John says it was weird to be live with a shirt on. John recaps the “Cyber” Monday sales, with 17K in the bag. Josh gives details report on the task he executed during the sales. The revenue generated is 7K more than last year. Also, some...
Episode 195 “Are You a Bulldog or a Chew Toy”
0:15 EntreProgrammers share that they are getting sick during Thanksgiving. Chuck talks about knowing what his Christmas present is going to be this year. EntreProgrammers share their experience with cleaning meat smokers. 3:00 Chuck say his smoker shoul...
Episode 194 “F-U I’m A Podcaster Now!"
0:15 We’re Live! Discussion about autoplay in progress. Chuck hates Thunderbolt 3 because there is nothing available for it. Apple trashing and Apple praising going on concerning the iPhone X and newer MacBook Pros. Josh talks about the wireless charging...
Episode 193 “Josh & Chuck Land”
Episode 193 “Josh & Chuck Land” 0:15 Josh and Chuck talk about their late start and new Apple hardware. Josh talk about his iPhone 8 plus and Kindle reading. Josh talks about selling his Apple Watch because some features do not work for him anymore since...
Episode 192 “Sexy Voice”
0:15 We’re live! Chuck talks about his old MacBook Pro dying, and replacing it with a new version. Josh talks about the selling price of old MacBooks. Chuck mentions that his MacBook was unrepairable, because of missing parts. 4:50 Chuck talk about having...
Episode 191 "You're Kinda Like a Pimp"
Episode 191 “Your Kinda Like A Pimp” 0:15 We’re Live! Chuck give an introduction to the podcast directory for DevChat TV. Chuck talks about how the directory works for sponsorship slot purchases. Chuck talks about talking to people at Libsyn about the di...
Episode 190 “Lets Take Our Shirts Off and Talk About…”
0:15 We’re live! Let take our shirts up and talk about X. John talks about his recent shit storm rant on YouTube. John mention some had told him about starting a Twich channel. John says he likes doing the live videos and he gets great audience interacti...
Episode 189 “Video Starts at 0:00”
0:15 We’re live! We are here, and we need a fourth. John mentions causing a shit storm on the internet. John talks about saying something about comments on his videos, based on the opinion of when relevant content starts in his video. 7:00 John talks a...
Episode 188 “Get To Coding”
0:15 We’re Live. John mentions that he was in Las Vegas during the shooting last week. John talks about the chaos in Las Vegas and the many different quick decisions he had to make. 6:00 EntreProgrammers talk about the past visits to Las Vegas, and John c...
Episode 187 “Josh & Chuck Show”
0:15 We’re Live! Josh turned 37 this past week. Josh says he is so mad at some idiot. Josh talks about getting a message from John about an issue with he book on Kindle. Josh talks about what he thinks happen for this book to be taken down. 8:00 Josh m...
Episode 186 "Gaining Momentum"
0:15 We’re Live. John is back and exhaust from all the traveling. John mentions that he did not miss a workout during the whole trip. John says he did gain about 20lbs, but has force himself to get through the grind. John describes how people get into dep...
Episode 185 "Got This Nut Cracked"
0:15 We're live. Just Chuck and Josh. Josh talks about a Chrome bug that is not letting him use his good mic. Also, some tech tech about Josh’s new screen. Chuck says it is rain and he is not going to fix this leaking pipe. 2:30 Chuck says he was doing...
Episode 184 "Leaky Pipes"
0:15 We’re Live! Just Josh and Chuck today. Josh is calling in form a rotary phone. Chuck mentions he had to write show notes. Chuck is firing again. Chuck talks about a high utility bill and trying to find out why? Leaking pipes! Murphy lives here. 7:0...
Episode 183 "I Don't Owe You S&%$"
Episode 183 "I Don't Owe You S&%$” 0:15 It appears that we’re live.. John in Tuscany…somewhere. John says is no AC at the gym. And some talk on about superstitions on opening windows. 5:00 Chuck talks about maybe visiting Italy one day. John talks about...
Episode 182 “Silenzio”
0:15 Josh mentions that he finally got his new monitor. Some talk on monitors and tech. John says on a wimp, he sign up to run a half marathon. Wow. Rome by night. John talks about all the regulations before he can participate in the run. John talks abou...
Episode 181 “Just Ninja Side Kick That @$#!@$”
0:15 Technical issues with video and sound. John talks about a scam with trying to buy a sim card and getting internet access. 5:00 Chuck talks about his experience with data and cell phones in Italy some 20 years ago. Chuck says get away form the airpor...
Episode 180 “Pineapple Inc.”
0:15 We’re Live! Guess where John is at? John talks about his experience with fondue in Switzerland. Did they dye this lake…Lake Geneva. 3:00 Chuck talks about finding a getaway. EntreProgrammers talk about stupidity in everything. John talks about form...
Episode 179 “Starting to Sound Like a Country Song…”
Episode 179 “Starting to Sound Like a Country Song…” 0:15 We're Live! Just Chuck and Josh today. EntreProgrammers talks about fireworks, 4th of July, and state holidays. Where do we buy legal fireworks? Chuck is at a coffee shop and talks about his w...
Episode 178 “Will Code For Food”
0:15 Chuck says he could try to convince John to fire himself from Simple Programmer. Chuck says he is tried of writing show notes. Chuck has been trying to catch up. John pops in! Chuck gives an more detailed update on his podcasts situations. Chuck lays...
Episode 177 “Entrepreneurial Cxck Blockxr”
0:15 Chuck wants to shake some people. Chuck talks about his podcast show notes backup. Josh ask about what the back up might be. Chuck talks about his frustrations with episodes not be released on time. 4:00 Josh stay to him, Chuck need to hire new wri...
Episode 176 “Monkeys In Suits…”
0:15 We’re are live! When there are 5 it is really 4. Derick is back! WooHoo! Derick says he was sleeping the whole time. In the good news, Derick mentions getting a distribution deal with Manning Books. Manning Books is picking ups some of Derick’s scree...
Episode 175 “Veiny 2.0”
Episode 175 “Veiny 2.0” 0:15 We're Live! Yay. John talks about a video of a father burning his kids XBox. John talks about reasons why Derick might not be showing up for the master mind call. EntreProgrammers talk about destroying their video games conso...
Episode 174 "Ratchet It Up"
0:15 We’re Live! Barely alive… John talks about Josh asking questions about the lighting in John's space. John talks about his new video projects and equipment. John continues to talk about setting up a new Rode shotgun mic for better audio quality on hi...
Episode 173 “John’s Law”
Episode 173 “John’s Law” 0:15 Simple Programmer Edition of EntreProgrammers. John talks about his visit at Fit Con. Highschool party? John talks about feeling like the “old pervert” at this conference. John talks about how 14 year old girl articulate buil...
Episode 172 “Kiss off Mickey”
Episode 172 “Kiss off Mickey” 0:15 We’re Live! Chuck immediately says he world is blowing up. Chuck mentions having to find ways to pay things, such as server hosting. John says it is good that things blow up early, to figure out how to not go into the ho...
Episode 171 “Veiny Bastard Program”
Episode 171 “Veiny Bastard Program” 0:15 We’re Live. EntreProgrammers talk about trying to not discuss anything before they air. John shares information on his body fat measurements, at 11 percent. John talks about low hanging fruit and having a lot of ro...
Episode 170 “Cheap Bastard”
Episode 170 “Cheap Bastard” 0:15 We’re Live! Derick is frozen, kinda. Chuck wants to rant about having a cancelled guest because of sponsors. John talks about finding a pattern of refunds form a particular customer. 5:00 Josh talks about his reasoning f...
Episode 169 “Short on Top, Long on Sides?”
Episode 169 “Short on Top, Long on Sides” 0:15 Chuck mention he would not mind being a pig farmer. Entrepreneurship is taking a toll these days. Derick cracks jokes about John’s situation at Simple Programmer, and Josh’s Apple Air Pods. 3:45 Chuck talk a...
Episode 168 “Shock Collar!”
Episode 168 “Shock Collar!” 0:15 John talks about take your iPhone 7 into the shower. John talk about every time they hire an expert, they John and Josh still know more than them. John says to only thing they lack is the time to get to all the ideas they...
Episode 167 “Turning Sh!t Into Shitake!”
Episode 167 “Turning Sh!t Into Shitake!” 0:15 We’re live and there are 4 of us! John tells us about a strange phenomenon and his video responses. Crazy stuff. John talks about receiving his Apple Air Pods in another strange event. 6:28 Derick tells a sto...
Episode 166 “Salted Pork”
0:15 Live on a Monday! Weird.. Luis gets ahold of Chuck after hearing the podcast. John talks about running 20 miles. John is still training for the marathon, that is going to happen in the next month. Chuck stalls on the Keto Diet. Chuck mentions using t...
Episode 165 “Random Dude”
Episode 165 “Random Dude” 0:15 John mentions looking at book cover designs, and not sure about the design or creativity. Josh describes the designs and issues and challenges with the book cover. John talks about the 99 designs contests for the book cover....
Episode 164 “I Need a Job, Come Work For Me”
Episode 164 “I Need a Job, Come Work For Me” 0:15 Derick mentions that he needs new clients. Need help wth Docker..? Josh mention that he needs to email some 12000 people for clients and building his business. 4:00 Derick mentions creating 15 emails for...
Episode 163 “That was Vegas…”
Episode 163 “That was Vegas…” 0:15 We’re Live and Alive! Josh talks about his flight with an annoying lady. John crack jokes about United Airlines. 3:30 Josh talks about how John won 2 awards in a row at MicroConf. John talks about going to nightclubs in...
Episode 162 “Live From Vegas!”
Episode 162 “Live From Vegas!” 0:15 EntreProgrammers minus Derick, Live from Vegas! Chuck talks about the recent retreat he attended by Jamie and some notable marketers. Chuck talks about getting help with how to create more revenue with podcast and spon...
Episode 161 “Quality Check…”
Episode 161 “Quality Check…” 0:15 EntreProgrammers joke about Chuck’s microphone issues and the usual technical podcasting challenges. Derick mentions he had a hold lot of nothing happening and only 6 hours of work. John talks about the issues with the...
Episode 160 “Italian Fever”
Episode 160 “Italian Fever” 0:15 We’re Live! EntreProgrammers talk about needing tech support for starting the podcast call. Chuck talks about how his computer has no optical drive. John mentions being sick for the last few days. Also has to run a half...
Episode 159 “Trust the Process”
Episode 159 “Trust the Process” 0:15 I think we’re live? But, Trust the Process. Going Retro! Josh says that he's is cancelling his email account and everyone can reach him by carrier pigeon. John trackpad clicking a super loud. Windows issues still pre...
Episode 158 “Hookers and Green M&Ms”
Episode 158 “Hookers and Green M&Ms” 0:15 John and Josh in the same room. John and Josh talk about getting help with the book launch. John thinks that they will have a successful book launch, and are hoping to take the number one spot in all of Amazon. Jo...
Episode 157 “Cloning Chuck”
Episode 157 “Cloning Chuck” 0:15 Only Josh and Chuck today. Derick is in a meeting and John is not responding. Chuck talks about the sales on conference tickets. Chuck talks about how each day has not been below a thousand dollars in sales. 3:00 Chuck me...
Episode 156 “Selling Magic Twigs”
Episode 156 “Selling Magic Twigs” 0:15 Josh is wondering why he is the default thumbnail for every episode. Trying to change it up today. John says he is skipping the Disney Princess run this time around. John talks about getting around the tickets for t...
Episode 155 “Painful Lessons”
Episode 155 “Painful Lessons” 0:15 John and Chuck are out. Josh and Derick talk about Derick’s sales at Watch Me Code. Derick shares his frustrations with some of the marketing emails. 3:20 Derrick talks about the email he sent on Monday. Derick talks...
Episode 154 “All Kinds Of Shady…”
Episode 154 “All Kinds Of Shady…” 0:15 We’re Live! Chuck talks about his extra stuff he had to do with Toast Masters, and teaching WordPress. Chuck says no go for Go Daddy website builder. 4:00 Chuck mentions that he almost got scammed trying to sell his...
Episode 153 “Biomarkers for Inflation”
Episode 153 “Biomarkers for Inflation” 0:15 We are live. Josh is cutting carbs and wants to destroy stuff. Chuck talks about his allergies to Wheat and Milk. John talks about only drinking human breast milk. John explains why drink milk from a cow is a...
Episode 152 “Kill The Ponies That Don't Perform”
Episode 152 “Kill The Ponies That Don't Perform” 0:15 We’re tangled…. Chuck gots a new deck and having mic issues for podcasting apparently. Derick mention that last week he has been rearranging too in his living room. Derick talks about his trip to the...
Episode 151 “I Want To Be A Pig Farmer…”
Episode 151 “I Want To Be A Pig Farmer…” 0:15 Chuck expresses his need to become a pig farmer, in recent times at least. John talks about how this is why EntreProgrammers is a soap opera for entrepreneurs. 4:30 Chuck talks about having a rough time with...
Episode 150 “#Fail”
Episode 150 “#Fail” 0:15 Derick asks If Chuck still has his PR40 mic. Chuck changes our his podcasting mic. Derick talks about how his new gaming channel has gain more subscribers. More talks about the difference in usb mics and regular condenser or dyna...
Episode 149 “Lay Off The Gravy”
Episode 149 “Lay Off The Gravy” 0:15 Josh talks about watching Parks and Recreation and compares and episode to how someone or some company was interested in buying Simple Programmer. Josh and John, for fun entertain the idea. But they found out that the...
Episode 148 “We Did No Work This Week…”
Episode 148 “We Did No Work This Week…” 0:15 Josh says he did very minimal work, but made the most sales then ever. Josh says they are looking at a new record for product sales. Also acquiring a new affiliate form China. Josh says this person can help gro...
Episode 147 "Foam Hatchet Time"
Episode 147 "Foam Hatchet Time" 0:15 We’re Live. Almost Christmas. Foam Hatchet Time. Josh ask if Chuck eliminated a person for having scheduling issues for an interview. Chuck describes the issues he was having with interviews. Chuck is looking for an A+...
Episode 146 “Sandwich Artist”
Episode 146 “Sandwich Artist” 0:15 John, again demonstrates Alexa’s capabilities, another experiment with his office lights. Success! John talks about nonstop Elvin and the Chipmunks songs coming out of Alexa. 4:00 Derick talks about being sick. Chuck ta...
Episode 145 “ Leotard and Cape”
Episode 145 “ Leotard and Cape” 0:15 John says he just completed his new book on air. John says the entire book took 6 months to write. John says he can now remove the Trello card to write his book in the morning. John tries an on air test with Alexa. No...
Episode 144 “Don’t Stop Twerking The Business”
Episode 144 “Don’t Stop Twerking The Business” 0:15 Hardware report. John talks about possible reasons why Apple got rid of the headphone jack. Derick talks more about the water resistance of the new iPhone. Josh says he is still waiting for the Air Pods....
Episode 143 “This Is Where The News Happens”
Episode 143 “This Is Where The News Happens” 0:15 And We’re Live. Chuck says hello for NYC for Microsoft Connect. Chuck plans to retire for iPheaks and The Freelancer show in Dev Chat TV. Chuck talks about hiring a coach to help him get to the next level....
Episode 142 “Tall Caramel Macchiato!”
Episode 142 “Tall Caramel Macchiato!” 0:15 We’re Live! No Sonmez. John is attending a Tony Robbins event or concert. Derick talks about how his MacBook Pro kept crashing during mastermind calls. Derick said the main issue on the mac was a bad video car...
Episode 141 “This Is Going To Be Huge!”
Episode 141 “This Is Going To Be Huge!” 0:15 We’re Live! Derick warns us he may be disappear due to his faulty MacBook Pro. Derick notices the John’s sound has improved. John complains about the labor cost for hanging pictures in his home. Derick says to...
Episode 140 “Dragon Team?”
Episode 140 “Dragon Team?” 0:15 We’re live! Derick talks about the new macbook pro, but might be leaning toward the new Microsoft surface. John thinks Microsoft bought out apple for new ideas. 2:45 EntreProgrammers talk about how your keyboard will get j...
Episode 139 “Spin-off”
Episode 139 “Spin-off” 2:00 We’re Live! With a new 1 hour format. John says we should beat up Bernie supporters. because they are weenies. John talks about the new ideas for the creating a spin-off group who are similar to the original mastermind of Entre...
Episode 138 “Debbie Downer”
Episode 138 “Debbie Downer” 2:00 And the dumpster is on fire.. Derick talks about laughing a docker management cheat sheet for Watch Me Code. Derick says this is publish along with his ebooks an such. So far he has 170 downloads since a day ago. Deri...
Episode 137 “We Just Need to Clone Ourselves…”
Episode 137 “We Just Need to Clone Ourselves…” 2:00 John suggests changing up the EntreProgrammers theme song to a dumpster theme song. Derick talks about his parents visiting and introducing them to new technology. 5:00 John mentions visiting Wendy’s in...
Episode 136 “Bubba Don’t Play Dat!”
Episode 136 “Bubba Don’t Play Dat!” 2:00 EntreProgrammers give Josh a hard time about facial hair. John talks about the golden age of 36. John share that he is going to be running a half marathon in San Jose CA. Chuck mentions that he is at Microsoft Ig...
Episode 135 “ The Dumpster Is On Fire”
Episode 135 “ The Dumpster Is On Fire” 2:00 Derick talks about his 38th birthday sale, and had 16 sales of the yearly subscription. John does some math, and says that Derick should maybe drop some prices on his subscriptions, because he found a price rang...
Episode 134 “We Fire People Around Here…”
Episode 134 “We Fire People Around Here…” 2:00 And We’re Live! Josh looks less grayish with his color correction filter. John says he wants overhead lighting to enhance his muscles. John says he is making progress with the decor of his office. Derick tal...
Episode 133 “Lean Manufacturing…”
Episode 133 “Lean Manufacturing…” 2:00 No John or Josh today. Derick talks about getting Quickbooks online, and fired everyone that works for him. Derick has a lot of questions about this next stage and the ins and outs of Quickbooks. Derick is trying to...
Episode 132 “Bridge Gapper”
Episode 132 “Bridge Gapper” 2:00 We’re Live! Derick quotes the classic software developer movie “Office Space.” John talks about pissing off the internet again. John talks about the different views of a creationist or evolutionist on his youtube channel. ...
Episode 131 “ I Have a Bad Case of Normal”
2:00 We’re Live! John mentions that EntreProgrammers got a down vote the last episode. John was a guess on the Coding Newbies podcast recently. John talks about taking what he says out of context. John refers back to and old Ruby Rouges episodes to expl...
Episode 130 “Troglodytes”
Episode 130 “Troglodytes” 2:00 We’re live! No Derick today. Derick is conducting his webinar. John talks about being late because of being sucked into a Youtube comment. 8:00 EntreProgrammers continue to talk about the distortions in reality. John talk...
Episode 129 "To Busy To Shave..."
“To Busy To Shave” 2:00 We’re Live! Derick’s room lighting looks different. Derick shares his new lighting setup and new camera. New tools for new projects? 4:50 Josh shares that he just recently ended his experiment with home automation. Its a train wre...
Episode 128“Sticker Cheap…”
“Sticker Cheap…” 2:00 John mentions trying to connect to the internet last week. John talk about his experiences in China. John talks about his trip or tours of China. John talks about the language barrier and the difficulties of communication during the...
Episode 127 “Turn Your Head and Cough”
Episode 127 “Turn Your Head and Cough” 2:00 No John today! John is lost behind the Great Firewall of China. Chuck and Josh are going to be gone next week. So no EntreProgrammers next week. EntreProgrmamers discuss their encounters with playing Pokemon w...
Episode 127 “Turn Your Head and Cough”
Episode 127 “Turn Your Head and Cough” 2:00 No John today! John is lost behind the Great Firewall of China. Chuck and Josh are going to be gone next week. So no EntreProgrammers next week. EntreProgrmamers discuss their encounters with playing Pokemon w...
Episode 126 “Relaunch?”
Episode 126 “Relaunch?” 2:00 John talks about taking only a Chrome Book to China with VPN configuration to use internet. John is going to be in Beijing and other parts of China for a couple of weeks. John talks about doing an hour and half Keynote during...
Episode 125 “China, Firing, and Burning The Boats”
Episode 125 “China, Firing, and Burning The Boats” 2:00 We’re live! Chuck talks about his chat with Mandy. Chuck shares that he is moving to a fixed price for work on his podcasts. Chuck mentions that he tried to negotiate getting the podcast editing dow...
Episode 124 “Keep Those Huskies Mushing…”
Episode 124 “Keep Those Huskies Mushing…” 2:00 Alright, We’re Live! No billionaires and going for over two years. John discusses a subscriber who is struggle to make his entrepreneur goals work. John has been try to understand where he is going wrong. 7:0...
Episode 123 “Cake and Burritos”
Episode 123 “Cake and Burritos” 2:00 We’re Live! Josh is upset with Apple and hates change. EntreProgrammers discuss wireless headphones. John argues that new technology is forcing us to move forward. 11:20 Derick is impressed with the Apple Magic Track P...
Episode 122 "Veiny Bastard"
Episode 122 “Veiny Bastard!” 2:00 We’re Live! Derick says he hired his first person on UpWork. Derick shares that he had to revamp the first posting of the job, with Josh’s help to get more people to apply for the job. 5:00 John talks about the changes i...
Episode 121 “Pasty White…”
Episode 121 “Pasty White…” 2:00 We’re Live! Orangey John and Pasty Josh. John talks share his sign up for a half marathon. 13.1 miles in just under 2 hours. “I just sign up yesterday!” Josh shares his knowledge on training for a marathon from his former...
Episode 120 “Crabs In A Bucket”
Episode 120 “Crabs In A Bucket” 2:00 John is having some modem troubles and Derick is excited about his new couch. Derick talks about rediscovering some forgotten toys under an old couch. Derick talks about how an old subscriber had renew their subscripti...
Episode 119 “Burn The Boats”
Episode 119 “Burn The Boats” 2:00 We’re Live! John says his office still does not have furniture. John mention he is going to China. also his book is being translated. Derick says to only drink bottled water. John mentions that his book has exploded on A...
Episode 118 “Crapalytics”
Episode 118 “Crapalytics” 2:00 And we’re live! Josh apparently is cracking the whip on Derick. Derick is doing the brunt work on researching for marketing and he i working on the persona or avatar for the course he is building. 6:40 Derick mentions he ha...
Episode 117 “Its Just Atoms!”
Episode 117 “Its Just Atoms!” 2:00 We’re Live! John talks about trying to write a thousand words a day. Josh shares his daily writing strategy to get content or emails logged. Josh shares that he uses the Strides app to help him track his daily habits. Jo...
Episode 116 “Lets Fight for Bacon!”
Episode 116 “Lets Fight for Bacon!” 2:00 Derick says his business is burning to the ground. Chuck mentions he has lost one of his helpers. Chuck is cancelling React Remote Conf. and shuffling the schedules around to make things work. Chuck talks about a...
Episode 115 “Pike or Pipe?”
Episode 115 “Pike or Pipe?”2:00No John today! 4:00Chuck mentions that he has been doing WordPress development allweek. Chuck talks about plans for sponsorships and logisticaltasks. He is going to ignore all the advice from his mastermindgroups. Chuck tal...
Episode 114 “Burn Your Business To The Ground”
Episode 114 “Burn Your Business To The Ground” 2:00 EntreProgrammers are joined by Adrian Rosebrock from pyimagesearch. Derick asks Adrian how he was able to make his kickstarter campaign successful. Adrian explains what his blog and business are about. ...
Episode 113 “Expert Sex Change Host”
Episode 113 “Expert Sex Change Host” 2:00 Derick and Josh plan an 8 hours podcast episode since Chuck and John are out. Derick shares his expertise on gaming consoles, shelf life, and his preferences. 6:20 Josh mentions he has been working long hours on t...
Episode 112 “Derick Favored Ice Cream”
Episode 112 “Derick Favored Ice Cream” 2:00 And we’re live! Derick says he is going to raise his prices on Watch Me Code. Derick talks about getting some ideas from the guys at egghead.io. Derick wants to experiment with annual subscriptions and maybe st...
Episode 111 “Retreat in Las Vegas”
Episode 111 “Retreat in Las Vegas” The EntreProgrammers meet in Las Vegas for Micro Conf. 7:00 Derick shares that he may have found a VA from Spain. Derick is setting up test projects for the hiring criteria. 9:00 Derick talks about his ideas for doing...
Episode 110 "We Need You To Caucus”
EntreProgrammers Episode 110 “We Need You To Caucus” 3:20 We’re live! John come to us from his new home in San Diego. John mentions he is enjoying all near by shops, gyms, and beach. John mentions he has hired an interior decorator to help design his home...
Episode 109 “Screencast Leaf?”
Episode 109 “Screencast Leaf?” 3:15 Derick shares he is getting a new Android phone. 6:15 Josh is thinking about getting his AdWords account unbanned. Josh does some research and is talking to a guy who could help with his AdWords account, and maybe tra...
Episode 108 “We Are The Man!”
Episode 108 “We Are The Man!” 3:20 We’re Live! John talks about his moving situation and is schedule to move. 6:54 Chuck talks about discovering security issues with a baby video monitor. Derick talks about the the marketing strategy in Samsung smart TV...
Episode 107 “It’s Not a Negotiation Unless There’s Blood”
“It’s Not a Negotiation Unless There’s Blood” 3:20And We’re Live! Derick shares more of his crocheting talents, and might be going into to business with someones grandma. More on the dropping subscribers, but increasing income. Derick mentions he may be h...
Episode 106 "We Have Become The Man!"
“We Have Become The Man!” 3:15 No Chuck today, because of a conference scheduling conflict. John and Josh have their second meeting for the day, first for Simple Programmer and now for the EntreProgammers. Josh talks about changing up his lighting situati...
Episode 105 “This Week, In Podcasting Problems”
“This Week In Podcasting Problems” 3:18 We’re Live! Derick says he was inspired last week. He’s now got two people on annual subscriptions. Also, some work on ‘Watch Me Code,’ and updates the series page, plus a possible video player in the future. 7:25...
Episode 104 “Adult Category”
Episode 104 “Adult Category” 3:15John shares his recent trip with Josh to the Traffic and Conversion Summit. John talks about the potential growth that Simple Programmer could have in the future. John mention how valuable the conference was for him. John...
Episode 103 “Panic Room”
Episode 103 “Panic Room” 3:20 Chuck talks about driving in bad weather conditions in Spanish Folk Utah, during an unexpected blizzard. Chuck tells us about becoming sick because of stress. 6:51 John shares his blizzard experience in Idaho. John talks abo...
Episode 102 “Trailer Park to Entrepreneur Story”
Episode 102 “Trailer Park to Entrepreneur Story” 3:18 And we’re live! Chuck mentions feeling like an outsider after last the episode with Larry. Chuck talks about taking care of the house duties. Josh talks about the upcoming duties of taking the kids to...
Episode 101 “Wedgie Of A Lifetime”
Episode 101 “Wedgie Of A Lifetime” 3:18 And We’re Live! Today the EntreProgrammers welcome Larry from TrackAbout. Larry wants to talks about Skydiving today! Derick mentions the prior episode’s talk about getting over fears and skydiving. 6:00 John shar...
Episode 100 “Studying Weasels…”
Episode 100 “Studying Weasels…” 3:20 Alright, We’re Live! Episode 100 and almost 2 years of EntreProgrammers! Derick mentions he is nervous about his presentation at the JS Remote Conf. with Chuck. Derick talks about the difficultly with condensing infor...
Episode 99 “Bookkeeping Time”
Episode 99 “Bookkeeping Time” 3:22 We’re Live No Chuck today! Josh compares John and Derick camera quality. Derick tells us about trying to get back into the swing of things. 7:15 Derick tells us he is reading “The Automatic Customer” by John Warrilow. D...
Episode 98 "The Fear of Roller Coasters"
Episode 98 “Fear of Roller Coasters” 2:00 We’re Live! Just John and Josh today! Chuck has the day off and Derick is on vacation. John tells us about his roller coaster ride. 10:00 Josh shares his experience on a ropes course when in he was in a college....
Episode 97 "Holiday"
EntreProgrammers Episode 97“Holiday” 2:00We’re Live!Josh talks about tracking his sleep with an app. John is vacationing in Vallejo California for the holidays. 8:50John mentions that he and Josh got paper work done for the upcoming partnership in the new...
Episode 96 “Buy High Quality Yarn…”
EntreProgrammers Episode 96 “Buy High Quality Yarn…” 2:00 We’re Live! John defenders his Surface book camera issues and bandwidth issues in the transfers. 6:49 Derick does not know what is going on with the dropping numbers of subscribers. Derick mention...
Episode 95 “Smoking, Crocheting, and Bigfoot”
Episode 95 “Smoking, Crocheting, and Bigfoot” 1:35 We’re Live! 2:30 Derick shares his sick story, and running his new smoke house business. Josh suggestion using a Darth Vader mask when smoking meats! 5:00 Derick has picked up crocheting again. Put your...
Episode 94 “Ultimate Warrior Diet 2.0”
Episode 94 “Ultimate Warrior Diet 2.0” 1:35 Josh ask if John had a cold. Josh explains he was absent week because he was sick. 3:00 John shares his excitement about the Surface Pro, except for the bugs. Is it still worth it? John further explains the Su...
Episode 93 “Just the Die Hards”
“Just the Die Hards” 1:35 John and Chuck talk about possibly going out for Black Friday. John mentions that he doesn’t care for the effort you have to go through during Black Friday. 5:00 John thinks about the miss deals to those who buy early, then Blac...
Episode 92 "That Dude Ain't Jasmine!"
“That Dude Ain’t Jasmine!” 1:35 Derick is eager to get back to playing his new video games. Josh is persuaded that Derick has to much time on his hands since killing SignalLeaf. 4:30 John is seriously thinking about purchasing the new Surface Pro laptop....
Episode 90 "Josh ‘Cha-Ching’ Earl"
EntreProgrammers Episode 90 Josh ‘Cha-Ching’ Earl 1:35 John is returning from his civil duty. Derick comes to us from the DFW Airport. EntreProgrammers discuss jury selection questions. John gives pointers for getting out of Jury Duty. 6:45 Chuck share...
EntreProgrammers Episode 90 “I Got a Keg…”
EntreProgrammers Episode 90 “I Got a Keg…” 1:35 Alright, we’re live. Derick awaits the delivery of his Black Ops 3 copy. John is having second thoughts about his vision improvement experiment. John is experimenting with another diet. John shares his thoug...
Episode 89 "The Dream Crusher"
"The Dream Crusher" 1:35 Whazz up! Josh express his frustration with Apple, OSX, and iOS. Derick mentions pissing off Apple support. Josh mentions that Apple has gone downhill since the passing of Steve Jobs. 7:00 Derick and Josh talk about having too bu...
EntreProgrammers Episode 88 “Now I Got A Leaf Blower…”
EntreProgrammers Episode 88 “Now I Got A Leaf Blower…” 3:35 And we’re live! John comes to us live from downtown Tampa, at an Elliot Holst’s seminar. John talks about the exciting correlations between his career and Elliot’s career. 7:15 Derick mentions he...
Episode 87 "No Glare Coating..."
EntreProgrammers Episode 87 "No Glare Coating..." 1:36 Alright we’re live! Josh has some hope for Johns will to improve his vision. John shows his collection of eye glasses. John admits the eye experiment is a pain. 9:30 Chuck makes a good point about Joh...
Episode 86 "Steak, Eggs, and Butter"
EntreProgrammers Episode 86 "Steak, Eggs, and Butter" 1:35 We’re Live! EntreProgrammers talk about using earbuds while driving and breaking the law. Using bluetooth headphones, and some of the issues that arise while doing errands. 6:00 Chucks talks...
Episode 85 Interesting, If Not Beneficial
EntreProgrammers Episode 85 Interesting, If Not Beneficial 1:35 Alright we’re live! John is already working on improving is vision. John says it is to soon to tell if his experiment is working. John’s mentions that his wife is doing the eye exercises as w...
Episode 84 "I Could Stick My Head Up a Cow's..."
EntreProgrammers Episode 84 "I Could Stick My Head Up a Cow's..." 3:05 We’re Live! 3:30 Derick is sad to see RayGun.io go as a sponsor. Thanks to RayGun.IO for sponsoring the EntreProgrammers Podcast. 4:40 John’s T-Pain vocal effects are not working. Te...
Episode 83 “Penguins with Erectile Dysfunction”
EntreProgrammers Episode 83 “Penguins with Erectile Dysfunction” 3:05 We’re Live John in no longer a nomad. John talks about t the bad review guy, still not a friend of Simple Programmer. 11:30 John’s audio version of SoftSkills is now out. John is hitti...
Episode 82 Melting Snowballs
EntreProgrammers Episode 82 Melting Snowballs! 3:05 And We’re Live! The EntreProgrammers talk about the scary subject of having their children on the internet. John suggest no internet behind closed doors, or an intranet site. Josh says it would be...
Episode 81 "Snake Oil"
EntreProgrammers Episode 81 3:05 And we’re live! John shares that he is conversing with "the guy" that made a nasty review on Amazon. Derick says that good marketing, makes a good product. John talks about the back and forth chatter between him...
Episode 80 "2 Man Show"
EntreProgrammers Episode 80 "2 Man Show" 3:05 And we’re live! John is still in London and is headed to Iceland in a few mintues. The EntreProgrammers discuss the debt repayment, bankruptcy, and land ownership of several countries and states? 1...
Episode 79 "Our Pets' Heads are Falling Off!"
EntreProgrammers Episode 79 3:05 Derick shares some Star Wars info. Watch out spoiler alert! Derick share some family matters with his mastermind group. Derick is trying to stay busy while taking care of his family’s needs. 9:55 John reports from Lo...
Episode 78 Sideways Periscope
EntreProgrammers Episode 78 Sideways Periscope… 3:05 We’re Live! EntreProgrammers have a discussion about Periscope. Chuck seems to a have a pretty understand of Periscope features, considering he attended a session about it, during the Podcast Mov...
Episode 77 "Wash My Door Knob"
EntreProgrammers Episode 77 “Wash My Door Knob” 3:05 The EntreProgrammers discuss the how the world’s violence has diminished since the dark ages. 8:45 Chuck talks about his merchant account issues during the week. Chuck is now working on making a sw...
Episode 76 EntreProgrammers Path of Destruction
“EntreProgrammers Path of Destruction” 3:05 All right we’re live! John joins us from Amsterdam. The EntreProgrammers talk about their path of destruction, wherever they go. 14:15 The EntreProgrammers talk about the signups of the retreat. No t...
Episode 75 "Eat'n Crow"
EntreProgrammers Episode 75 3:05 We’re Live! John is coming to us from Belgium. Chuck sporting a pretty cool Mic Flag. 6:30 Josh shares that he is having a little bit of a tough time with his client. Josh shares his challenges with his marketing s...
Episode 74 "Ponds, Fish, and Social Media"
EntreProgrammers 74 Ponds, Fish and Social Media 3:05 And We’re Live! Derick is back from California with a little beach tan. Derrick shares his family Disneyland experience, had a great vacation. 13:30 John has found the catch to the T-Mobile un...
Episode 73 "You Get What You Are..."
EntreProgrammers Episode 73 “You Get What You Are…” 3:05 All right we’re live! Derick is out soaking up some sun in Cali. 7:30 Josh is trying to figure out how make time and do something with the family, twice a month. The rest of the mastermind tal...
Episode 72 "F Chiggers"
EntreProgrammers Episode 72 “F Chiggers” And We’re Live! Derick shares his wealth of lego trivia. 7:54 Derick completed his 9 plus day email course on RabbitMQ patterns. Plus a landing page for signups. 11:16 Derick is also getting ready to format t...
Episode 71 "Gold Farmers"
Episode 71 "Gold Farmers" 3:05 We’re Live! 3:22 Derick mentioned he had the greatest sale of his RabbitMQ, he traded a copy of the RabbitMQ bundle for a Lego Star Wars kit. Josh says that he’ll reminded him about his choices when he complains why he...
Episode 70 "RabbitMQ Twinky"
EntreProgrammers Episode 70 RabbitMQ Twinky 3:04 We’re Live! John is still on his expedition in Berlin… 5:45 Derick shares his sales report with is new launch of the RabbitMQ bundle. Josh asks about the break-down of the sales. Derick has given awa...
Episode 69 SignalLeaf Talk...
Episode 69Signal Leaf Talk…3:04We're Live!John coming to us from Berlin, Germany. Still with red curtains. John has been walking 14 miles a day, and exploring the city, and the Diet Coke is cheaper in Berlin. 8:00John talks about the toilet situation whil...
Episode 68 "Get Maid Service..."
Episode 68Get Maid Service…We're Live!EntreProgrammers Rave Party!John comes to us live from Paris, with no air conditioning and super expensive diet Coke.08:32 John is sent on a wild goose chase to get his Edition Apple Watch in Paris. Derick mention tha...
Episode 67 Get Off My Lawn
Episode 67 "Get Off My Lawn"All right We're Live! A Trip Down Memory Lane3:30 - The EntreProgrammers talk about receiving free books, from companies and individuals, for the purpose of marketing efforts and Ad spots. Derick shares a few stories of the fir...
Episode 66 Stop Buying Those Gucci Purses
Episode 66"Stop Buying Those Gucci Purses"Alright We're Live!Josh is officially unemployed and all the EntreProgrammers are officially unemployed by the man. 8:00 - Josh makes a good point that writing code is a 100 dollar per hour business skill, and sol...
Episode 65 "Not Girls, Not Dudes, Just RabbitMQ"
Episode 65 "Not Girls, Not Dudes, Just RabbitMQ"3:29 – Alright we're Live!EntreProgrammers are broadcasting live!4:24 - Mac TalkJosh talks about the notorious Mac labeled the "Job Killer," apparently this Mac has the power to turn one into an entrepreneur...
Episode 64.5 Josh Pulls The Plug
Episode 64.5"Josh Pulls The Plug"Josh's mentor pressures Josh to take on a new client, Craig. This client has a product/service, a fitness niche that targets runners. Josh is excited about taking on this client because the new client is willing to pay Jos...
Episode 64 Test Monkey
Episode 64 Test MonkeyAll right we're live!Derick 3:43 - Derick makes a pitch to 3 people! Mastermind Bundle of RabbitMQ for Developers goes on sale May 12th for $1200 (per person) John7:28 – John returns from a strange QA/Tester conference. John is persu...
Episode 63 Work'n For The Man
Episode 63 Work'n For The Man!We're Live!EntreProgrammers talk about doing arm curls with smart phones and experiencing intense fatigue.John is at an undisclosed location…with his new MacBook Pro. 6:30 - What Johns is up to this week- Badge launch f...
Episode 62 Ham Is Made From Hamsters
Episode 62"Ham Is Made From Hamsters"3:31 - We"re Live!John is getting a Pulp Fiction vibe from Chuck!Chuck is back in black, at Rails Comp! Chuck, slicing and dice with others developers and making a scene, enjoying the meetings, but starting to dislike...
Episode 61
Episode 61 "I Want Cupcakes!"We're Live!Derick gives and introduction to our new sponsor, Raygun.io, an error tracking service, release tracking. https://raygun.ioDerick reveals his newfound vision, with his new spectacles. Here’s good detail info on some...
Episode 60
Episode 60 A Lesson in MarketingToday's Group – John, Josh, Derick, Chuck, and Keith Perhac0:17 – All right, We're Live!Exciting news! Derick introduces Digital Ocean as a new sponsor for the next (Episode 61). Learn more here at: https://www.digitalocean...
Episode 59
Episode 59 "The Universe will bend…"0:18 - Ok, We're Live!Check out this sponser! Build Better Software – http://buildbetter.software4:34 - Derick shares some customers feedback on website navigation issues. Derick explains how to make a life-long friend...
Episode 58
Episode 58 "If She Doesn't Float, We Burn Her"1:07 – We're Live!2:28 – EntreProgrammers Retreat, December 4-5, 2015, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Workshops on email marketing, podcast, brand building, etc. Sign up for the mailing list and stay up to date...
Episode 57
Episode 57"It's a Full-Time Job, Trying to Not Have a Full-Time Job"Small Talk 1:07 – All right We’re Live! Minus Josh? How is everyone doing?1:24 – Chuck is all right and Derick is stressed, time for some R&R. Derick finishes a screencast of rabbitmq. ...
Episode 56
Episode 56A Lesson In Pricing Models1:07- Alright, we’re live! After 56 episodes these EntreProgrammers have yet to perfect an introduction. Here is some awkward discussion about pirating of music and Disney movies.6:24 – Our guess, Wes McClure joins us f...
Episode 55
Episode 55 “I Just Want It To Be Fast, Dang It!”Derick 1:07 - Alright , We’re Live!No Chuck today. Boo. Derick describes his travel disasters due to snow in Dallas/Fort Worth. Icepocalypse 2015! 4:32 – As Derick thaws out for his northern expedition… He...
Episode 54
Episode 54"I'm Not Playing Slot Machines"2:13 - And We're Live! Wait, without John?Derick launches his Pro ExpressJS Screen Cast Bundle. Doing well on sales. Josh mentions Drip’s new drop down menu for time zone selections. Also an excellent default admin...
Episode 53
Episode 53 "Its All Megabytes Man!"02:46 Derick decides to torcher us with more acapella singing "For the first time in forever!"13 reviews for EntreProgrammers, up 2 reviews since the last.04:11John expresses his dislike with Apple's review process, an...
Episode 52
The EntreProgrammers Episode 52 "How 'Merica Is This"8:12 Derick sings "Let It Go" 10:41The Enterprogrammers have a discussion of the Dropbox integration with SignalLeaf. Derrick mentions the excellent integration of Dropbox with SignalLeaf. Great new fe...
Episode 51
The EntreProgrammers Episode 51 Ship ‘em Pears(Reminder: We’re back to 1 full episode. Feel better, now?)Of course, one of the great ways to learn and make new friends to scam on, is at a conference. Chuck has 3 more days left for his online conference wh...
Episode 50
The EntreProgrammers Episode 50 Sponsors! Nice! Nice!One day, you will look back and say, “I knew The EntreProgrammers when…”You are the fly on the wall. Get comfy because you’re not going anywhere. This fiercely heated debate has captured you in the Entr...
Episode 49.2
The EntreProgrammers Episode 49.2 The Arena of Web Log(If you do nothing else today, that’s OK; check-out interviewed.io below.)These financial genius guys literally whittle Derick’s $25,000 debt down to $0.00. Then, oh ya, here it comes – Derick goes wit...
Episode 49.1
The EntreProgrammers Episode 49.1 The Arena of Web LogThis is part 1 of episode 49. If part 2 of episode 49 isn’t just above, well it should be. Google+ and Facebook are having their heads chopped-off in this episode; John pushes the envelope and actually...
Episode 48.2
The EntreProgrammers Episode 48.2 The Horror of DebtThis is part 2 of episode 48.Derick contemplates his email marketing strategy while The EntreProgrammers riddle him with ideas regarding his entrepreneurial direction. What will it be?John highly recomme...
Episode 48.1
The EntreProgrammers Episode 48.1 The Horror of Debt(Just a Reminder: Each episode now has 2 parts; this episode is 48.1 & 48.2, so after listening to 48.1, it becomes time to click on 48.2. Do you like this format better – or not. Please leave your comme...
Episode 47.2
The EntreProgrammers Episode 47.2 A Dark Room for iOSWith the increasing popularity of Amir’s app, he felt it necessary to have a trademark for it, taking 3 months just to get the paperwork filled-out, then another 6 months wait to allow anyone who feels...
Episode 47.1
The EntreProgrammers Episode 47.1 A Dark Room for iOSAmir Rajan is the featured guest in this episode, creator of A Dark Room for iOS.“Notable events are listed below along with any pertinent information about how it affected downloads, reviews, emotions,...
Episode 46.1
The EntreProgrammers Episode 46.1 Soft SkillsNew FormatEach Episode is now 2 parts. This is Episode 46 and is labeled: 46.1 and 46.2.Signalleaf.comDerick is briefed on last show, sort of, but decides to actually listen to episode 45 to get caught-up. Josh...
Episode 46.2
The EntreProgrammers Episode 46.2 Soft SkillsIdeal StrategyJosh recommends that Charles sponsor his own show – interesting, don’t you think? But, Charles isn’t quite satisfied with that and wants the specifics; Josh hesitates, and John steals the show wit...
Episode 45
The EntreProgrammers Episode 45 Happy New YearIn your Happy New Year, look for The EntreProgrammers Podcast to broadcast each episode in 2 parts – same show, of course – and you can still be the fly on the wall.The EntreProgrammers hope you had a wonderfu...
Episode 44
The EntreProgrammers Episode 44 Size Matters NotThe appropriate use of email is now one of the most powerful marketing strategies on the globe. Normally, these insider marketing tactics are unknown to man-womankind, but you are the unnoticed fly on the wa...
Episode 43
The EntreProgrammers Episode 43 Care Bears CareThere is no mercy in this court as The EntreProgrammers rip Derick a new one – a new landing page that is. Before that, this.(And about John’s book; keep it here for the details. See end of this article.)You...
Episode 42
The EntreProgrammers Episode 42 Unsolicited PearsDerick quickly begins with a rather unbelievable announcement that The EntreProgrammers have a new “official” sponsor: Baremetrics. Details next…but first…How would you like to take a retreat – somewhere –...
Episode 41
The EntreProgrammers Episode 41 Lost in CyberspaceThis episode of the Entreprogrammers is brought to you by Baremetrics – SaaS Analytics for Stripe. Ever wonder what your LTV is? What about churn? Are you calculating that junk manually now? Let’s hope not...
Episode 40
The EntreProgrammers Episode 40 The Pain of LibsynYou are the fly on the wall planning informational capture from The EntreProgrammers who are now starting their fortieth episode.“Do more by doing less” philosophy is reflected in the comparison between Si...
Episode 39
The EntreProgrammers Episode 39 Talk to People?Charles, Chuck, you know, The Guy; he’s from Utah, has officially become one of The EntreProgrammers, and get this; he wants to become Josh – that’s right, more on this as we go.Derick gets into analyzing jus...
Episode 38
John is editing the podcast again with our editor still out.In this episode the Entreprogrammers welcome Charles Max Wood from http://devchat.tv to the show to talk about his network of podcasts and get some tips on how to get sponsors.John is in Sweden s...
Episode 37
Our editor, David, is out sick right now, so John is editing the podcast.In this episode, the Entreprogrammers prepare for some Halloween festivities and engage in a discussion about how you'll eventually succeed if you just keep plowing in one direction....
Episode 36
The EntreProgrammers Episode 36 Anti-Sponsor Apple AmazonJohn’s funny look says it all when Derick says he wants to do a crazy radio broadcaster introduction for The EntreProgrammers Podcast which has received over 20,000 listeners according to the stats...
Episode 35
The EntreProgrammers Episode 35 AppreciationJohn talks about his experience with a “grumpy” cable guy and billing without TV that doesn’t really make any sense. The EntreProgrammers discuss download and upload power from their ISP.John’s book is over 1,00...
Episode 34
The EntreProgrammers Episode 34 Warrior DietHumans replaced with code?What’s good in the computer market? What’s the warrior diet? Programming robots? Why doesn't Josh like iPhones? Derick’s Kindle Paperwhite is a lie?Derick refers to an EntreProgrammer f...
Episode 33
The EntreProgrammers Episode 33 Seneca’s LettersThe EntreProgrammers analyze different aspects that make-up a great entrepreneur; things get started with diet, after John explains an uneventful 10 hours of flight to get home.Diet, of course, is extremely...
Episode 32
The EntreProgrammers Episode 32 Marcus AureliusDerick talks about his production schedule with WatchMeCode, just after spending 2.5 hours behind the mic. The approach that John recommended 2 weeks ago is now working for Derick as he focuses on one project...
Episode 31
The EntreProgrammers Episode 31 Nice! Nice!John, who didn’t know how to program his alarm clock, was almost a no-show as a result. That’s because time just does not exist in Hawaii. Josh wants to hear all about John’s book, so John gives the details – abo...
Episode 30
The EntreProgrammers Episode 30 Discipline Merely HabitDerick is making behavioral changes in his project line-up. This week is screen cast; next week, Signalleaf. Is Derick aware of the psychological phenomenon wherein a change of behavior will also brin...
Episode 29
The EntreProgrammers Episode 29 Existential CrisisCan you help Josh find himself? It takes a long time to know who you are and this EntreProgrammer is in the middle of an entrepreneurial career shift which is causing him to feel a little anxious. During a...
Episode 28
The EntreProgrammers Episode 28 Author Craig McKeachieJohn is in Hawaii. Still? Derick broadcasts from Texas and Josh talks from Pennsylvania; and The EntreProgrammers have a special guest, author Craig McKeachie who is broadcasting from his house.How lon...
Episode 27
The EntreProgrammers Episode 27 Live by the Sword… (Background SFX: Birds of Hawaii)In recent episodes, Derick explains that he has several irons in the fire and isn’t quite sure where to put his focus. This episode reveals a totally focused Derick; and h...
Episode 26
The EntreProgrammers Episode 26 Freaks of DataOk, information freaks, you heard it here first; we are talking about the cutting edge of technology. Josh speaks about his experience of being introduced to mixpanel.What’s that? You absolutely need to see it...
Episode 25
The EntreProgrammers Episode 25 Life’s HurricanesJosh is stuck in traffic and John is stuck in a hurricane – well, sort of. The weather forecasts are blowing things out of proportion, says John and another hurricane headed his way.The mountains will stop...
Episode 24
The EntreProgrammers Episode 24 Rewrite Sales PageJosh gets into some serious writing techniques in another coaching call with John McIntyre. He is assigned the rewriting of his sales page.Josh recalls “struggling” with putting together a “decent sales pa...
Episode 23
The EntreProgrammers Episode 23 SouthWest NightmareJohn’s plane, finally getting ready for takeoff, showed another delay in flight plans when the Captain left the bridge; shivers down your backbone when you find out why.Derick is getting enormous response...
Episode 22
The EntreProgrammers Episode 22 Brains Are For What?Derick takes control of the show, but appears to be unplugged. Ah, yes, the wonders of technological advancement.And into John’s book they go; the editors have spoken and John defends his writing approac...
Episode 21
The EntreProgrammers Episode 21 Josh’s NumbersIn Episode 20, it was argued that having a sale was an arbitrary adventure; it doesn’t matter when you have a sale, and in a global market, especially don’t have a sale over the 4th of July. John’s numbers in...
Episode 20
The Entreprogrammers Episode 20 Josh’s Favorite Marketing Podcast“You are the only person that has your experience so you should be sharing that with people.” Entreprogrammer Derick Bailey (Signalleaf.com Podcast Site)And so it goes…John has big news. Jos...
Episode 19
The Entreprogrammers Episode 19 My MicMathematical equation comes into play when The Entreprogrammers answer Josh’s question about how close a person should be to her/his microphone when talking. John demonstrates what it means to eat your mic – oh, yes,...
Episode 18
The Entreprogrammers Episode 18 John’s Life Path DecisionJohn’s life path, now, is to be made with one decision. He needs, in urgency, the high-end advice thriving consistently in the weekly Master Mind Sessions of The Entreprogrammers Podcast – he calls...
Episode 17
The Entreprogrammers Episode 17 No Crisis HereWhere’s GetUpAndCode? Josh is a little saddened by John’s cut-back in the productions of GetUpAndCode. John quickly takes the moment to analyze the human nature living in a production schedule. John says, “Doe...
Episode 16
The Entreprogrammers Episode 16 Josh’s True RewardJohn begins by asking Josh and Derick, “How are you guys doing.” Derick, in a Samurai shirt, says he wants to “Samurai something” not having such a great week.But the ensuing discussion changes Derick’s pe...
Episode 15
The Entreprogrammers Episode 15 Tracking ConversionsJohn accuses Derick of being an amateur broadcaster. Josh spins off into analysis of his Tweeter advertising campaign with detailed ups and downs of his past week.Derick’s week reveals pandemonium in the...
Episode 14
The Entreprogrammers Episode 14 Headline MattersThe Entreprogrammers continue progress as they reveal how they achieved their entrepreneurial gains. Congratulations to Josh on his new editing position which he talks about in this episode; this truly is gr...
Episode 13
Entreprogrammers Episode 13 HuBoardHuBoard creator, Ryan Rauh from Austin, Texas, is featured guest of The Entreprogrammers Podcast with John, Derick and Josh. Ryan talks about how long it took him to develop HuBoard which is “instant project management f...
Episode 12
Entreprogrammers Episode 12 The ObsessionAnalysis of analytics starts the Entreprogrammers discussion; Derick jumps in first expressing his disdain for Josh; in Episode 11 Josh challenged John and Derick to refrain from the viewing of their stats pages; “...
Episode 11
Entreprogrammers Episode 11 Cognitive PsychologyThe Entreprogrammers reveal the success in the launch of this podcast where Josh, Derick and John brainstorm weekly in the arena of pure spontaneity. These 3 programmers offer extremely useful information on...
Episode 10
Entreprogrammers Episode 10 The Arena of QuackThe reality of it is, being a good entrepreneur can also mean being healthy – good things come from good health.The Entreprogrammers, always transparent in this podcast, reveal some of their health issues in a...
Episode 9
Entreprogrammers Episode 9 The Weekly EditorThe Entreprogrammers Josh, Derick and John start by ripping into the iPhone; good phones, bad phones. This entrepreneurial discussion grants new perspective on the good, the bad and the ugly iPhones.Derick goes...
Episode 8
Entreprogrammers Episode 8 Love My HeadphonesJosh, Derick and John start with good headphones, bad headphones.The discussion goes to subscribers and John shows how unpredictable an audience can really be – even a long-time loyal fan base can trick you int...
Episode 7
The Entreprogrammers Episode 7 Mentally Kickin’ My…Josh has a rough week and bares it all. Derick’s Twitter ads go south; they were generating traffic but no conversions; he admits forgetting to install conversion tracking.John shows how important its use...
Episode 6
The Entreprogrammers Episode 6 Income Tax Panic ModeEntreprogrammers John, Derick and Josh get into it with resolutions for Derick’s income tax panic mode.What are some solutions to taxes in the efforts of entrepreneurial financial management? Derick bare...
Episode 5
The Entreprogrammers Episode 5 John’s Roller-coaster RideJohn talks about his roller-coaster ride and Mailchimp’s time warp in Malaysia. The idea of cross promotion is discussed.Theme prices appear to be a rip-off and solutions to this are suggested. The...
Episode 4
Episode 4 Josh’s Not Sure If MomentJohn introduces a new hip-hop jingle causing Josh to have a “not sure if moment.” While Derick, laughing, has to make sure it gets played during this episode. John defends the $5 jingle then segues into experimentation “...
Episode 3
The Entreprogrammers Episode 3 This WorksJohn Sonmez and author Josh Earl discuss marketing strategies that work while Derick spends some time in Canada.Earl gives examples of books that he has recently sold and the implementation process of his marketing...
Episode 2
Programmers, entrepreneurs John Sonmez, Derick Bailey and Josh Earl discuss the obstacles and solutions to the balance of work and lifestyle - a constant battle that all of us face.Insight to dealing with this dilemma surfaces in the transparent analysis...
Episode 1
This is the first episode of Entreprogrammers where John, Josh and Derick talk about what the podcast is and introduce themselves.Then, they get right into business and show you what it's like to be an entrepreneurial developer! These podcast by the Entre...